- Work will commence in September, with publication expected in December 2024
- We will be accepting stakeholder contributions until Friday 25th October.
- More information on how to contribute to POST research is available in our guidance for contributors.
Net zero is now a material consideration affecting many planning policy decisions. National policy states what renewable energy infrastructure is needed but not where, which has led to delay in local planning decisions. Under the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project planning system government sets out the need for different types of infrastructure through National Policy Statements. However, the National Infrastructure Commission has recommended reform of the system to address the increasing timeframes required to gain consent. Existing policy requires LPAs to recognise that energy technologies are rapidly improving, and that they should be prepared to deal positively with the implications of new transport and energy technologies, such as battery storage at scale or infrastructure for electric vehicles. They should also require all major new development to set a robust net-zero energy strategy as a core part of the overall corporate strategy and infrastructure delivery plan.
This POSTnote will outline the challenges and opportunities for spatial planning and climate change across national, regional and local decision-making levels.
Photo by: Nicholas Doherty via Unsplash