Approved work: Security of UK technology infrastructure
This POSTnote will outline what UK technology infrastructure is, potential impacts of disruptions, risks, options for mitigating risks and relevant policy.
This POSTnote will outline research evidence about health impacts, data on public attitudes, and explore stakeholder perspectives on this policy.
The introduction of 20mph speed zones and limits in Wales, London and other urban areas is linked to several public health benefits. Evidence reviews note the reduced risk of collisions, road traffic fatalities and injuries, particularly for children and other vulnerable road users. The evidence for the direct effect on air quality is equivocal and complex, relating to vehicle type, driving style, congestion levels and road design features. Compliance varies, relating to other traffic calming measures and enforcement practices. Some data suggests that reduced vehicle speeds are likely to encourage people to cycle and walk, and positive benefits may also result from reduced traffic noise.
This POSTnote will outline research evidence about health impacts, data on public attitudes, and explore stakeholder perspectives on this policy.
Work will commence in April, with publication expected in July 2024. We will be accepting stakeholder contributions until 21 June 2024.
Photo by: (© By MM –
This POSTnote will outline what UK technology infrastructure is, potential impacts of disruptions, risks, options for mitigating risks and relevant policy.
This POSTnote will outline the challenges and opportunities for spatial planning and climate change across national, regional and local decision-making levels.
This POSTnote will outline the energy system application of AI and Machine Learning. It will also consider the data, cybersecurity and ethical challenges that will need to be considered for application in the UK to enhance energy security.