Approved work: Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health
This POSTnote will outline the challenges and opportunities for the use of artificial intelligence and mental health
This POSTnote would consider the challenges and opportunities of creating a hydrogen transmission backbone for the UK, including the likely benefits and costs that may arise from the current approaches being envisioned.
Stakeholders are exploring the development of a UK hydrogen ‘backbone’, which aims to join industrial clusters around the country and consider how to link existing UK interconnectors with the EU hydrogen backbone. Hydrogen could support flexibility in power generation by providing a means of energy storage and consumption. However, a safe, compact, light and cost-efficient hydrogen storage method has yet to be demonstrated.
This POSTnote would consider the challenges and opportunities of creating a hydrogen transmission backbone for the UK, including the likely benefits and costs that may arise from the current approaches being envisioned.
Work on this briefing will commence in February 2024. This POSTnote is no longer accepting contributions.
(© By AddMeshCube –
This POSTnote will outline the challenges and opportunities for the use of artificial intelligence and mental health
This POSTnote will outline the current evidence and policies in schools to support children's wellbeing and behaviour.
This POSTnote will outline what UK technology infrastructure is, potential impacts of disruptions, risks, options for mitigating risks and relevant policy.