Artificial intelligence: ethics, governance and regulation
AI poses significant challenges for regulators in a wide number of areas, with different countries taking divergent approaches. How should the UK regulate AI?

Insights on emerging trends in digital, innovation and science, developed for Horizon Scan 2024 to support decision-makers in the UK Parliament.
Nine different issues were identified under this topic.
Short articles have been written on these issues to help parliament identify what action it may wish to take.
AI poses significant challenges for regulators in a wide number of areas, with different countries taking divergent approaches. How should the UK regulate AI?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises to be a vital technology, but how should it be used in education? Should people be educated about AI? What are key concerns?
New technologies are rapidly shaping how people create and consume arts and culture. But what is the impact on rightsholders and human creativity?
Technologies in the workplace can increase efficiency and reduce costs. Challenges include a lack of guidelines, blurred work-life boundaries, and re-skilling workers.
Technologies could transform and improve the way healthcare is delivered. What are the main concerns and challenges that policy makers should focus on?
Advanced technology has increased the breadth, scale and sophistication of cyber crime. How can cyber security evolve to counter it?
Digital technologies are revolutionising much of the UK’s infrastructure. What are the are opportunities and challenges?
The world faces several global challenges from climate change, sustainability, inequality, and other threats. How can digital technologies and AI help us to respond?
What is the role of funding, collaboration, skills and policy in harnessing scientific and technological innovation in the UK?
POST would like to thank consultation respondents and peer reviewers for kindly giving up their time to support this work, including:
*denotes people and organisations who acted as external reviewers of the briefing.