Net zero: the role of consumer behaviour
Achieving net zero is expected to require changes in consumer behaviour and habits. What are the challenges and how can they be overcome?

The International Trade Committee has published five Areas of Research Interest (ARIs) for 2021 to help support the Committee’s scrutiny of UK trade policy. Each ARI comes with a series of questions aiming to further break down the broad areas. The ARIs focus on UK trade policy and include: Trade negotiations, Gender and trade, Food standards, Developing countries, and Foreign Policy and Trade.
Registration for this ARI has now closed.
Research questions in this area include:
1.1 What principles should underlie the UK’s approach in trade negotiations to:
1.2 How adequate is the Government’s existing approach to impact assessments for its Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)?
1.3 How could the Government’s existing approach to impact assessments for FTAs be improved?
1.4 Which key trade policy issues are likely to arise in negotiations with the below (or other countries) with whom the UK may seek an FTA?
In particular, but not exclusively, what are:
1.5 How have other countries attempted to measure the potential gains and actual benefits from FTAs? How successful or reliable has this been, and to what extent could any of these approaches by applied to UK FTAs?
Research questions in this area include:
2.1 What effects can trade policy have on people of different gender identities in terms of economic and social equality and empowerment?
2.2 What examples are there of trade policies in other countries that have been developed to help share the benefits of trade more equally across society, or as a tool to encourage empowerment among under-represented groups?
2.3 How have different countries used FTAs to further gender equality? What works and what doesn’t?
2.4 To what extent do international approaches, such as the Joint Declaration signed in 2017, address the gender inequality impacts of trade?
Research questions in this area include:
3.1 What are the different regulatory approaches to managing food standards through trade agreements, covering animal and plant health/welfare, consumer rights, use of antimicrobials and other agro-technologies (e.g. growth hormones, GM)?
3.2 To what extent could the UK’s existing or emerging approaches to food standards areas impact on its ability to trade, or establish FTAs, with some countries?
3.3 What is the impact of UK food standards on market access for producers from low-income countries?
Research questions in this area include:
4.1 What are the current trade barriers faced by developing countries? How and by what means can UK trade policy lessen these?
4.2 How can the UK improve on the EU’s GSP and GSP+ schemes?
4.3 What options does the UK have for improving on the EU’s Economic Partnership Agreements with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries which it has rolled over?
4.4 How can the UK contribute to the relaunching of the Doha Development Agenda, or an alternative multilateral package for developing countries?
4.5 How can the UK realise the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through its trade policy?
Research questions in this area include:
5.1 What is the relationship between trade and foreign policy in the UK? How do other countries balance this relationship?
5.2 Are there areas where the UK’s trade policy is currently at odds with its foreign policy?
5.3 How far does the Government have a joined-up approach to trade and foreign policy?
5.4 How well do the Department for International Trade and FCDO work together, and where could they do so better, e.g. around areas of strength and weaknesses, or differing priorities?
5.5 What options does the UK have for bringing its trade and foreign policies closer together, especially through but not limited to its aid policy? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these options?
5.6 What options does the UK have for using trade policy mechanisms, e.g. trade remedies or sanctions, for foreign policy ends? How far would these be compatible with its WTO and FTA obligations?
Registration for this ARI has now closed.
Established in 2016, the International Trade Select Committee scrutinises the spending, administration and policy of the Department for International Trade, and other associated public bodies. It is appointed by the House of Commons, and currently chaired by Angus Brendan MacNeil MP (Scottish National Party).
Find out more about this committee.
Areas of Research Interest (ARIs) are lists of policy issues or questions. They are a way for an organisation to express interest in seeing more research evidence in certain topics.
If you have evidence or insights on the ARIs (including evidence reviews): you can add information about the research and your contact details to the repository of research relevant to the ARIs. If this area becomes a topic of scrutiny within Parliament, parliamentary staff may search the repository for relevant research and contacts.
An inquiry into the effectiveness and influence of the Select Committee system by the 2017–19 House of Commons Liaison Committee made several recommendations on how to improve the use of research evidence in select committees. One recommendation was for committees to develop and publish areas of research interest (ARIs). The House of Commons Scrutiny Unit, with the support of the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST), is trialling select committee ARIs as a pilot exercise to better understand and assess how they can support parliamentary scrutiny.
ARIs are not an exhaustive list of all areas in which Parliament may be interested in research evidence in the future. Parliamentary priorities are driven by elected representatives responding to current affairs. In particular, select committees issue calls for evidence based on their current priorities; ARIs do not replace these calls for evidence. However, ARIs may be used by parliamentarians and by parliamentary staff in POST, the Libraries and select committee teams to scope and/or inform future work.
The Scrutiny Unit forms part of the Committee Office in the House of Commons and exists to strengthen the scrutiny function of the House.
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash
Achieving net zero is expected to require changes in consumer behaviour and habits. What are the challenges and how can they be overcome?
China is the UK’s fifth-largest trading partner. Recent issues have complicated the relationship with China, but opportunities remain.
What does the future hold for alliances such as NATO and AUKUS, and how can the UK enhance its reputation and influence in the world?