• Over 350 experts have shared with us what they think the implications of the COVID-19 outbreak will be in the next 2 to 5 years
  • Experts suggested that remote working might transform work life but that the availability and security of work might reduce.
  • The possible long-term mental and physical health effects of COVID-19 were a source of concern for many experts, as were potential increases in health inequalities and the future viability of the NHS and social care system.
  • There were concerns about UK preparedness for future public health crises and how the COVID-19 outbreak could change research priorities (both positively and negatively).
  • Social cohesion and the long-term effects of loneliness and isolation were cited as a key implication by many experts. They also suggested that a combination of factors over the next few years could lead to an increase in social inequalities.
  • Experts discussed the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the natural environment. They discussed how improper disposal of personal protective equipment used during the outbreak could cause environmental harm and also questioned how global climate commitments might change following the outbreak.
  • The long-term effects of school closures on children and young people was raised as a concern. Experts suggested that educational and development milestones missed during the COVID-19 outbreak could affect people for the rest of their lives.
  • Experts suggested that the COVID-19 outbreak could widen economic equalities in the longer term.
  • Other implications that experts suggested included that some sectors (such as the creative industries) might shrink because they become unviable during the COVID-19 outbreak, that urban planning could shift to reflect people seeking different types of housing for home-working, and that there could be an increase in the level of cybercrime because of changes in how people work and shop.

In March 2020, the Knowledge Exchange Unit in POST launched the COVID-19 outbreak database and over 5,500 experts signed up. POST sent an online survey to these experts. A full analysis and synthesis of the 1,100 responses to this survey has been published in 16 reports. With the launch of the House of Lords COVID-19 Committee inquiry on Life beyond COVID, a second survey was sent to these experts. This survey asked them what implications from the COVID-19 outbreak in the next 2 to 5 years they would most want to draw to the Committee’s attention. There were 366 responses to this survey. Dr Rowena Bermingham (POST, UK Parliament) has conducted thematic analysis, which identifies, analyses and interprets patterns within this data. Summaries of this analysis are presented in different themes below.

Work and employment

There were 74 responses that discussed the implication of the COVID-19 outbreak on work and employment in the next 2 to 5 years. The responses fell into three broad themes: the impact on businesses, transformations to working life, and how the treatment of workers might change.

There were 21 concerns raised about how businesses might be affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Experts suggest that the likely impacts will differ depending on the size of businesses and the sector in which they operate. There were concerns that over the next few years, the UK will see small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) going into administration while larger companies are able to survive any potential economic turbulence. This could result in some sectors being dominated by large, multinational companies, increasing the risk of industry monopolies or oligopolies (market domination by a small group of companies). Experts also note that some sectors are more vulnerable than others and that there could be near-total industry collapse in some (such as tourism, hospitality, airline, leisure and culture) if there are no interventions to prevent it. Furthermore, experts raise concerns about manufacturing businesses, which are reliant on resilient supply chains. They note that if global supply chains continue to be disrupted over the next few years, this could leave UK-based manufacturers unable to operate.

There were 28 responses discussing how working life is likely to change over the next 2 to 5 years. Most experts suggest that there will be a move towards remote working. They raise concerns over how this will affect worker well-being, work-life balance, company culture and productivity. Experts also raise concerns about health and safety, both in home-working environments and in workplaces. They suggest that there could be long-term health consequences if people are not adequately supported to work from home. They also note that workplace health and safety standards will need to change to protect individuals from the occupational risks of any future pandemic. This could mean that the way businesses operate will change forever (such as reductions in face-to-face interactions between customers and staff).

There were 25 responses that focused on how workers might be treated in the future. Experts raise concerns that there will be higher levels of unemployment in the next few years, with fewer permanent jobs and more people in precarious work (such as temporary roles, fixed-term contracts, zero hours contracts or ‘gig’ work). This would have implications for career progression as well as individuals’ ability to save or to handle unexpected financial issues. It would also have effects on income tax yield, the cost of benefits and state pension planning. There were particular concerns around inequality in this area. Experts suggest that young people entering the workforce and those closest to retirement age might be at greatest risk of unemployment and precarious work. Some experts also noted that there would likely be gender and regional disparities in those most likely to experience unemployment or precarious work. Experts suggest that an insecure job market may leave people at greater risk of exploitation and workplace discrimination. Again, concerns focus around inequalities, with experts noting that there could be widening pay gaps based on gender, disability, ethnicity and age. Experts are concerned that much of the progress that has been made in making the workplace fairer and reducing pay gaps could be undone in the next few years without adequate policies to prevent a backslide.

Health and social care

There were 69 responses that discussed the implication of the COVID-19 outbreak on health and social care in the next 2 to 5 years. The responses fell into two broad categories: the likely impacts on population health and the possible effects on the health and social care system.

There were 52 responses discussing the likely impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on population health. Over half of these responses discussed the potential mental health impacts of the pandemic. Experts suggest that it is unclear what exactly the long-term effects of isolation, bereavement and stress experienced during lockdown will be. However, they suggest that there is likely to be a rise loneliness, depression and anxiety. Responses also note that some groups are more likely to be affected by long-term mental health issues, most notably those communities who have been most affected by COVID-19 and/or the economic impacts of lockdown. These groups include people with disabilities, older people, those from economically deprived areas, and ethnic minorities. Experts note that an increase in mental health issues within the population will increase demand for NHS mental health services, which are already struggling to meet demands. As well as long-term mental health effects, experts raise concerns around the unknown long-term physical health effects. They note that it is too soon to know whether COVID-19 may affect some people’s physical health for many years and what impact this may have on their ability to work. Additionally, responses note that some behaviours during lockdown (such as reduced physical activity or increased alcohol consumption) may have effects that take years to manifest (such as increases in heart or liver disease in the population). Again, experts note that these physical health effects are more likely to be found in those most affected by COVID-19 and/or the economic impacts of lockdown. Experts express general concern about the long-term effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on health inequalities (the avoidable and unfair differences in health between different groups of people). They suggest that over the next decade, the gap may widen between those who experience the best health outcomes and longest life expectancy, and those who experience the worst health outcomes and shortest life expectancy.

There were 17 responses that focused on the possible effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on the health and social care system. A number of responses noted that the NHS and social care system would likely be dealing with both the cost of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and the backlog of cases put on hold during the outbreak for many years. Experts raise concerns around long-term funding and preparedness in the health and social system for any future public health crises. Another concern centred on how many non-COVID excess deaths may occur over the next few years due to a backlog of people waiting for diagnoses and operations. Some experts also suggest there may be an increase in antimicrobial resistance over the next decade from greater use of antibiotics and antivirals during and following the COVID-19 outbreak. Other experts suggest that the COVID-19 outbreak may cause positive breakthroughs for health technology over the next few years, facilitated by better data sharing and a sudden increased use of digital technologies by medical practitioners.

Research and development

There were 52 responses that discussed the implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on research and development in the next 2 to 5 years. The responses fell into three broad categories: research for preparing for future public health crises, the future of the research field, and the development of future technologies.

There were 23 responses that focused on research for preparing for future public health crises. Experts suggest that in the next few years the UK Government is likely to support more emergency planning and risk management exercises. They suggest that there may be a greater research focus on the fields of behavioural science and public health, based on learning from the COVID-19 outbreak. Some experts suggest that this could lead to developments in the way information is shared with the public.

There were 16 responses discussing the development of future technologies. Experts suggest that upheavals in the way education and work have been carried out during the COVID-19 outbreak may lead to breakthroughs in various technologies. They suggest there could be greater use of automation and artificial intelligence in the workplace along with the development of equipment to support remote working and learning. However, experts also raise concerns about inequalities and the unequal access to technology for people from certain backgrounds. This is known as the digital divide. For example, experts note that if more jobs or learning opportunities move online, this may disadvantage people living in homes without the right technology or in areas without access to high-speed internet.

There were 13 responses that focused on the future of the research field. The majority of these responses raised concerns about UK higher education institutions. Experts suggest that many universities are likely to experience financial issues over the next few years, potentially resulting in closures and/or reducing the amount of research carried out. Some experts also note that research and development has been interrupted during the COVID-19 outbreak and making up for lost time may take many years. Others highlight that a greater focus on funding research into COVID-19 or related fields may mean that other research areas suffer from a lack of funding. They note that it is difficult to estimate the longer-term impact of this, but that putting too much focus on COVID-19 research could leave the UK open to other threats.

Society and community

There were 50 responses that discussed the implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on society and community in the next 2 to 5 years. The responses fell into four broad categories: social cohesion, loneliness and isolation, social inequalities, and impacts on home life.

There were 14 responses that focused on social cohesion. Experts express concern that over the next few years there could be a reduction in societal trust caused by experiences during the COVID-19 outbreak. They suggest that people may trust each other less as well as having less faith in democracy, politicians and scientists. They suggest that this could result in more individualistic behaviour and less community cohesion. Some experts raised concerns that a lack of trust in democracy could lead to civil unrest.

There were 13 responses discussing loneliness and isolation. Experts suggest that experiencing social isolation during lockdown could affect individuals’ feelings of loneliness for many years. They also suggest that any ongoing restrictions due to COVID-19 (such as reduced travel to different countries) could cause people to be physically separated from friends and families for a long time. For this reason, many of the implications raised were around how communities may find new digital spaces, including the importance of social media in keeping people connected and the role of future technologies in bringing people together.

There were 12 responses that focused on the impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on home life in the next few years. The majority of these responses raised concerns about domestic abuse and the role of women in the home. Experts suggest that if community services are not supported over the next few years, people experiencing domestic abuse may become more isolated and at greater risk. Experts also suggest that the trend of women taking on greater caring responsibilities during the COVID-19 outbreak could continue over time, especially if job losses affect women to a greater extent. They suggest that this could be damaging to equality in the workplace and at home.

There were 11 responses discussing social inequalities. Experts raise concerns that there could be a widening of social inequalities in the next few years, with some groups experiencing greater levels of isolation and economic deprivation. Two specific concerns were around regional disparities and discrimination. Experts suggest that some UK regions may experience greater deprivation, including a higher loss of public facilities and community spaces. Other experts raise concerns that a rise in xenophobia online during the COVID-19 outbreak combined with a reduction in community cohesion may lead to an increase in discrimination and racism.

Natural environment

There were 36 responses that discussed the implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on the natural environment in the next 2 to 5 years. The responses fell into two broad categories: the impact on the natural environment in the UK and the impact on the environment globally.

There were 20 responses that focused on the implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on the natural environment in the UK. Experts raise concerns about the environmental impact of greater use of personal protective equipment (PPE). They note that unless PPE is properly disposed of, it may damage the natural environment (for example, by breaking down into microplastics) for many years to come. Experts also note that if COVID-19 contaminates water sources, it could spread to wildlife and create reservoirs for future waves of the virus. There are also concerns that an increased number of visitors to natural beauty spots may cause long-term damage to these areas, including through littering and harm to ecosystems from increased footfall. Responses also discuss the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on food supply and agriculture during the next two to five years. Experts note that the UK is likely to move away from reliance on global food supply chains and focus on domestic food production. However, this may require more intensive farming or greater use of pesticides. They also note that overreliance on local food supply chains (which could be disrupted by factors such as crop diseases or weather events) could lead to food shortages and malnutrition.

There were 16 responses discussing the implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on the environment globally. Some experts are concerned that the focus on economic recovery across the world may result in countries back-tracking on their climate commitments. They suggest that this could result in greater emissions and accelerate global warming. However, some experts suggest that the global response to the COVID-19 outbreak may increase cooperation to tackle other global threats (such as climate change). In addition, others note that many people have made more sustainable choices during the COVID-19 outbreak (such as reducing travel) and they may be more willing to continue these behaviours in the long-term.


There were 25 responses that discussed the implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on education in the next 2 to 5 years. The responses fell into two broad categories: impacts on early years education and impact on secondary and higher education.

There were ten responses that focused on the implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on early years education. Experts express concern that children who have not been able to attend nurseries or primary schools during the COVID-19 outbreak may have missed developmental milestones. They suggest that being isolated from peers and not receiving any formal education may mean that children will have delays in their numeracy and literacy. They note that this delay is likely to follow them throughout their life. Particular concerns were raised for children growing up in more deprived households where caregivers may have had less time or fewer resources to support their child’s education. Some responses note that children in homes with English as a second language may experience delays in English language development if they have not socialised outside of the home during lockdown. Furthermore, experts question what the long-term effects of being isolated from peers will be on children’s social and emotional skills.

There were 15 responses that focused on the implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on secondary and higher education. Experts suggest that young people who have received predicted grades, as opposed to taking standard exams, may be disadvantaged in the long-term. This is because they have missed out on the formative experience of taking exams and because the predicted grades may not accurately reflect their actual exam performance. There could also be future bias from employers or universities against young people who received exam grades during this period if they do not trust the predicted grades system. Experts also raise concerns about attainment gaps (where some groups underperform compared to their peers). They suggest that young people living in more deprived areas/households have had less access to educational equipment and resources during school closures. This is likely to lead to a widening of pre-existing attainment gaps. Without measures to close the attainment gap, young people are likely to experience greater disadvantage for the rest of their lives. Experts also predict that a widening attainment gap could result in fewer young people from disadvantaged backgrounds going to university.


There were 24 responses that discussed the implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on the economy in the next 2 to 5 years. Experts suggest that there will be an economic downturn in the short-term followed by a slow recovery over the next decade. They raise concerns that during the downturn and recovery, there is likely to be a rise in the number of people in the UK living in poverty. They also suggest that there will be a widening wealth gap, with some groups being able to increase their wealth during this period while others experience a sharp reduction in their income. Particular concerns were raised around disproportionate economic impacts being experienced by women, those living in economically deprived areas, and people from minority ethnic groups. Experts note that local lockdowns could exacerbate regional inequalities, with more economically deprived areas being more at risk of local lockdown and then suffering worse economic effects because of the lockdown. Experts also raise questions about how the UK will fund COVID-19 stimulus packages in the long-term. They suggest that government expenditure is likely to rise over the next few years (because of an increased number of people on Universal Credit, for example). However, government revenue is likely to fall during the same period because of reductions in revenue from income tax. Experts raise concerns about how policy around taxation and benefits will adjust to meet these changes.

Arts, culture and sport

There were 14 responses that discussed the implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on arts, culture and sport over the next 2 to 5 years. Experts express concern that creative industries will collapse or contract over the next few years, due to lost revenue during lockdown and potentially lower government grants in the future. They note that creative industries greatly contribute to the economy and to the well-being of the UK population. Therefore, reductions in funding for arts and sport could have widespread implications for UK society. Experts also suggest that the creative industries may have to rely on industry partnerships to stay viable. They question how this could shape which forms of art survive over the next few years. Experts note that corporate sponsorship of cultural venues (such as museums and theatres) may influence content and undermine freedom of expression. If venues rely on increasing prices to cover costs then this will widen pre-existing inequalities around access to arts and culture; people from less privileged backgrounds will be less able to attend cultural or sporting events. Other experts raise concerns about the long-term career prospects of people trained in arts and sport. Again there are concerns around inequalities, with experts suggesting that sports funding may gravitate towards men’s sports, leaving women’s sport underfunded.

Built environment

There were 13 responses that discussed the implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on the built environment over the next 2 to 5 years. Experts note that increased home working is likely to change housing demand over the next few years, with people wanting homes with more indoor and outdoor space. They note that this could have implications for population density, with people choosing to move out of city centres. This would require changes in urban planning and infrastructure, as well as new housing stock. Responses also discuss unequal access to green spaces during the COVID-19 outbreak, with people living in more deprived neighbourhoods being less able to have access to public or private outdoor spaces. Experts suggest there will be demands for more green spaces in high-density urban areas, which may require changes to planning regulations. Some responses also focus on how use of transport systems is likely to change in response to remote working and lower population density.

Crime and justice

There were nine responses that discussed the implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on crime and justice over the next 2 to 5 years. Experts suggest that the types of crime committed will change over the next few years, with increases in cybercrime and reductions in other forms of crime. They note that police force areas are not well prepared to deal with increases in cybercrime as many lack the training and equipment required. Experts also question the role of prisons in the future, noting both the health concerns of prisons during a pandemic and issues of socialising/rehabilitating people in prison with the necessary restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 outbreak. Therefore, they suggest there may be a greater interest in rehabilitation outside of prisons in the future. Some experts propose that the backlog of cases in the criminal justice system may take years to clear, leading to delays in justice and cases being dropped before they reach trial. Other experts question what the implications of emergency laws relating to COVID-19 will have on the rule of law in the UK.


Dr Andrew Noble, Anglia Ruskin University 

Dr Sarah Richardson, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) UK 

Dr Tara Smith, Bangor University 

Mr Daniel Aldridge, BCS – The Chartered Institute for IT 

Dr Ronan Cormacain, Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law 

Dr Joanna Yarker, Birkbeck, University of London 

Dr Keith D. Parry, Bournemouth University 

Dr Shanti Shanker, Bournemouth University 

Dr Wei Chai, Bournemouth University 

Prof Adele Ladkin, Bournemouth University 

Prof Dimitrios Buhalis, Bournemouth University  

Prof Janet Dickinson, Bournemouth University 

Prof Paul Leonard, Brunel University 

Dr Mark D. Roberts, Burpham Institute of Advanced Study 

Dr Heba Ahmed Hassan, Cairo University  

Prof Stephen Rutherford, Cardiff University  

Ms Daisy Hooper, Chartered Management Institute 

Dr Carolina Matos, City, University of London  

Dr Christian John Reynolds, City, University of London 

Dr Katrin Hohl, City, University of London 

Dr Stephanie Alice Baker, City, University of London 

Dr Cain Clark, Coventry University  

Dr Christine Grant, Coventry University 

Dr Honglin Dong, Coventry University 

Mr Anthony Thompson, Coventry University  

Prof Emel Aktas, Cranfield University 

Dr Zoi Krokida, De Monfort University 

Mr Mak Charlton, De Monfort University 

Dr Andy Northcott, De Montfort University 

Dr Irene Antonopoulos, De Montfort University 

Dr Jonathan Rose, De Montfort University 

Dr Neena Lakhani, De Montfort University 

Dr Neil Lancastle, De Montfort University 

Dr Victoria Knight, De Montfort University 

Prof Tracy Harwood, De Montfort University 

Dr Rachael Ita, De Montfort University Leicester 

Dr Emily J. Oliver, Durham University 

Dr Fiona Vera-Gray, Durham University 

Ms Andrea Lambell, Durham University 

Ms Sylvie Donna, Durham University 

Prof Carol Adams, Durham University 

Prof Colin McFarlane, Durham University 

Prof Ilan Zvi Baron, Durham University 

Prof Nicole Westmarland, Durham University 

Prof Thom Brooks, Durham University 

Prof Bernd Brandl, Durham University Business School 

Prof Susanne Braun, Durham University Business School 

Prof Paresh Wankhade, Edge Hill University 

Prof Julian Adrian Randall, Edinburgh Business School, Heriot Watt University 

Prof David Russell, Emh Group 

Dr Esyin Chew, EUREKA Robotics Lab, Cardiff Metropolitan University 

Ms Edema Sunday Boyowa, Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, Delta State 

Prof Alfredo De Massis, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and Lancaster University  

Prof Kate Sang, Heriot Watt University 

Dr Mary Stewart, Heriot-Watt University 

Mr Euan Hird, Hillcrest Homes 

Dr Souad Mohamed, IEL International 

Dr Sonya Marie Abraham, Imperial College London 

Dr Taryn Youngstein, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust  

Dr Antonis Sergis, Imperial College London 

Dr Christopher Cormack, Imperial College London 

Ms Katelyn Smalley, Imperial College London 

Prof Rafael A. Calvo, Imperial College London 

Dr Jacqueline Ward, Independent Scientist 

Dr Sally Loughlin, Inno-Sight Ltd 

Mr Tony Wilson, Institute for Employment Studies 

Dr Tony Rao, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience 

Eur Ing Keith Plumb, Institution of Chemical Engineers 

Mr Keith Taylor, Institution of Chemical Engineers 

Dr Shiva Sikdar, Keele University 

Dr James Galloway, King’s College London 

Dr Johann Fortwengel, King’s College London   

Dr Ozlem Gurses, King’s College London 

Dr Sarah Markham, King’s College London 

Prof Ute Stephan, King’s College London 

Dr Christopher Boyko, Lancaster University 

Dr Derek Gatherer, Lancaster University 

Dr Matthew Thomas Johnson, Lancaster University 

Dr Robert E Gutsche Jr, Lancaster University 

Dr Yang Hu, Lancaster University 

Prof Bruce Hollingsworth, Lancaster University 

Prof Sara Fovargue, Lancaster University 

Prof Mike Tsionas, Lancaster University Management School, Economics Department 

Dr Carmen Clayton, Leeds Trinity University  

Dr Hannah Evans, Leeds Trinity University  

Dr Kostas Maronitis, Leeds Trinity University  

Dr Laura De Pretto, Leeds Trinity University 

Mr Andrew Gilliland, Leeds Trinity University 

Dr Tom Gallagher-Mitchell, Liverpool Hope University 

Dr Fawaz Ghali, Liverpool John Moores University 

Dr Mark Forshaw, Liverpool John Moores University 

Dr Seamus O’Brien, Liverpool John Moores University 

Dr Takamitsu Jimura, Liverpool John Moores University 

Dr Elinor Carmi, Liverpool University 

Dr Alice Diver, LJMU 

Dr Andy Summers, London School of Economics 

Dr Katharine Millar, London School of Economics 

Dr Natalya Naqvi, London School of Economics 

Prof Janet Seeley, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 

Dr Anthony Kevins, Loughborough University 

Dr Christopher Kay, Loughborough University 

Dr John Hillier, Loughborough University 

Prof Sue Hignett, Loughborough University 

Prof Saul Estrin, LSE 

Dr Jorge Emilio Nunez, Manchester Law School 

Dr David Tomlinson, Manchester Metropolitan University 

Dr Rebecca Gregg, Manchester Metropolitan University 

Dr Stephanie Steels, Manchester Metropolitan University 

Dr Antonis Kousoulis, Mental Health Foundation 

Dr Edward Bace, Middlesex University 

Dr Tanya O’Garra, Middlesex University 

Prof Antonia Bifulco, Middlesex University 

Prof Richard Bayford, Middlesex University 

Dr Andrea Werner, Middlesex University Business School 

Ms Wendy Jephson, Nasdaq 

Dr Beth Brockett, Natural England 

Ms Claire Malcolm, New Writing North 

Dr Marloes Peeters, Newcastle University 

Dr Richy Hetherington, Newcastle University  

Prof Thomas Scharf, Newcastle University 

Prof Joyce Liddle, Northumbria 

Dr Emmanuel Arakpogun, Northumbria University 

Prof Katy Shaw, Northumbria University  

Miss Gemma Louise Cramman 

Dr Dale Richards, Nottingham Trent University 

Dr Sarah Pass, Nottingham Trent University  

Dr Zaheer Hussain, Nottingham Trent University 

Pr Nasser Jamalkhan, Open Source Development Ltd 

Dr Emma Davies, Oxford Brookes University  

Dr Mel Nowicki, Oxford Brookes University 

Prof Cathrine Brun, Oxford Brookes University 

Mrs Pippa Bostock, Portsmouth Creates & University of Portsmouth  

Dr Zudin Puthucheary, Queen Mary University of London 

Miss Jane Waite, Queen Mary University of London 

Prof Michael Pluess, Queen Mary University of London 

Prof Ibrahim Sirkeci, Regent’s University London 

Prof Simon O’Leary, Regent’s University London 

Prof Charles Oppenheim, Robert Gordon University 

Dr Jessica Walker, Royal Academy of Music 

Prof Louise Manning, Royal Agricultural University 

Prof Amina Memon, Royal Holloway University 

Dr Jennifer Cole, Royal Holloway University of London 

Engr Uzo Okoye, Seitac Initiative 

Dr Caroline Dalton, Sheffield Hallam University 

Dr Jennifer Drabble, Sheffield Hallam University 

Dr Kassim Mwitondi, Sheffield Hallam University 

Mr Chris Dayson, Sheffield Hallam University 

Mr Sadiq Bhanbhro, Sheffield Hallam University  

Dr Jennifer Egbunike, St Georges’ and Kingston University 

Prof Jennifer Rusted, Sussex University 

Dr Kevin Fahey, Swansea University 

Prof Geraint Harvey, Swansea University 

Prof Michael Draper, Swansea University 

Prof Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Teesside University 

Ms Kate Bowen-Viner, The Centre for Education and Youth 

Mr Anton Angione, Tori Global  

Dr George Edward, Torrens 

Dr Stacy Hackner, UCL 

Mr Paul Grainger, UCL 

Prof Tadj Oreszczyn, UCL  

Dr Jo Van Herwegen, UCL Institute of Education 

Dr Sandra Leaton-Gray, UCL Institute of Education 

Dr Marija Sajic, UCL Institute of Neurology 

Prof Soo Downe, UClan 

Dr Sonyia McFaddenUlster University 

Ms Laney Lenox, Ulster University 

Dr Paul Hanel, Universities of Bath and Essex 

Dr David Harrison, University College London 

Prof David E. Alexander, University College London 

Prof Kate Jeffery, University College London 

Dr Daisy Fancourt, University College London (UCL) 

Prof Monica Lakhanpaul, University College London (UCL) 

Dr Benjamin Guedj, University College London and Inria 

Dr Elizabeth Bailey, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust 

Dr Mark Beecroft, University of Aberdeen 

Prof Phyo Kyaw Myint, University of Aberdeen 

Dr Jo Daniels, University of Bath  

Dr Laura G. E. Smith, University of Bath 

Dr Sandipan Roy, University of Bath 

Prof Lorraine Whitmarsh, University of Bath 

Miss Yee-Man Ngai, University of Bedfordshire 

Prof Angel Marie Chater, University of Bedfordshire 

Dr Joht Singh Chandan, University of Birmingham 

Dr Lorenza Antonucci, University of Birmingham 

Dr Mayorkinos Papaelias, University of Birmingham 

Dr Reza Gholami, University of Birmingham 

Dr Scott Taylor, University of Birmingham 

Dr Victoria Goodyear, University of Birmingham 

Prof Anne Green, University of Birmingham 

Prof Kalwant Bhopal, University of Birmingham 

Prof Tony Dobbins, University of Birmingham 

Dr Chris Cocking, University of Brighton 

Prof Elaine Kempson, University of Bristol 

Prof Gene Feder, University of Bristol 

Dr Amy Orben, University of Cambridge  

Dr Flavio Toxvaerd, University of Cambridge 

Dr Nikoleta Jones, University of Cambridge 

Dr Zeynep Clulow, University of Cambridge 

Dr Adrian Wright, University of Central Lancashire 

Dr Max Hashem Eiza, University of Central Lancashire 

Prof Stephanie Laulhe Shaelou, University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus campus 

Prof Sue Smith, University of Central Lancashire 

Dr Gareth Anthony Nye, University of Chester 

Prof Kaz Stuart, University of Cumbria 

Dr Michael Taylor, University of East Anglia 

Prof Caitlin Notley, University of East Anglia 

Prof Eylem Atakav, University of East Anglia  

Ms Jolanta Golan, University of East London 

Prof Sally Jane Cutler, University of East London 

Dr Agomoni Ganguli-Mitra, University of Edinburgh 

Dr David O’Brien, University of Edinburgh  

Dr Jessica Hafetz Mirman, University of Edinburgh 

Dr Laura Colucci-Gray, University of Edinburgh  

Prof David Cabrelli, University of Edinburgh 

Prof Wendy Johnson, University of Edinburgh 

Dr Ayse Guveli, University of Essex 

Prof John Preston, University of Essex 

Prof Theodora-Ismene Gizelis, University of Essex 

Dr Aimee Murray, University of Exeter 

Prof Anna Mountford-Zimdars, University of Exeter 

Prof Michael Norman Moore, University of Exeter & Plymouth Marine Laboratory & University of Plymouth 

Miss Caitlin Hafferty, University of Gloucestershire 

Prof Felix Arndt, University of Guelph 

Dr Felipe Romero-Moreno, University of Hertfordshire  

Dr Pushp Raj Tiwari, University of Hertfordshire 

Dr Shivani Sharma, University of Hertfordshire  

Prof Jyoti Choudrie, University of Hertfordshire 

Prof Wendy Wills, University of Hertfordshire 

Dr Howard Atkin, University of Huddersfield 

Dr Serena Bartys, University of Huddersfield 

Prof Kim Burton, University of Huddersfield 

Prof Philip Brown, University of Huddersfield 

Dr Katie Cunnah, University of Hull 

Mr Faisal Khan, University of Karachi, HEJ-ICCBS 

Dr Allison Cavanagh, University of Leeds 

Dr Daniel Edmiston, University of Leeds 

Dr Gary Graham, University of Leeds 

Dr Jo Ingold, University of Leeds  

Dr Maximilian Gerrath, University of Leeds 

Dr Peyman Babakhani, University of Leeds 

Dr Pia Helbing, University of Leeds 

Dr Richard Blackburn, University of Leeds 

Dr Subhajit Basu, University of Leeds 

Dr Victoria Honeyman, University of Leeds 

Prof Mark Stuart, University of Leeds 

Dr Catherine Steele, University of Leicester 

Dr Cristina Galalae, University of Leicester  

Mr Joshua McMullan, University of Leicester  

Prof Stephen Wood, University of Leicester 

Dr Andrea Caputo, University of Lincoln 

Dr Anna Tarrant, University of Lincoln 

Dr Jose Gonzalez-Rodriguez, University of Lincoln 

Dr Maria Kordowicz, University of Lincoln 

Dr Stephanie Armstrong, University of Lincoln 

Dr Ajay Verma, University of Liverpool 

Dr Catriona Waitt, University of Liverpool 

Dr Clare Rigg, University of Liverpool 

Dr Clarissa Giebel, University of Liverpool 

Dr David Singleton, University of Liverpool 

Dr Will Slocombe, University of Liverpool 

Miss Melissa Chapple, University of Liverpool  

Mr Duncan Adamson, University of Liverpool 

Mr Gavin Stephen Brown, University of Liverpool 

Prof Barry Godfrey, University of Liverpool 

Prof Costas Milas, University of Liverpool 

Prof Josie Billington, University of Liverpool 

Dr Angelo Ercia, University of Manchester  

Dr Elaine Dewhurst, University of Manchester  

Prof Arpana Verma, University of Manchester 

Prof Brian Derby, University of Manchester 

Prof Christopher Armitage, University of Manchester 

Dr Simon Moralee, University of Manchester 

Prof Vanessa May, University of Manchester 

Dr Amin Hosseinian-Far, University of Northampton 

Dr Eunice Lumsden, University of Northampton 

Mr Ian Hall, University of Northampton 

Prof Haithan Askar, University of Northampton  

Dr Alexander Trautrims, University of Nottingham 

Dr Rachael Tarlinton, University of Nottingham  

Dr Samanthika Gallage, University of Nottingham 

Miss Fiona Frost, University of Nottingham 

Dr Helen Dakin, University of Oxford 

Dr Louis du Plessis, University of Oxford 

Dr Stefan Theil, University of Oxford 

Dr Stephen Rainey, University of Oxford 

Mrs Helen Jeffers, University of Oxford 

Prof Andrea Ferrero, University of Oxford 

Prof Stanley Ulijaszek, University of Oxford 

Prof Mark Graham, University of Oxford / Fairwork Foundation 

Dr Richard Billington, University of Plymouth 

Prof Mary Hickson, University of Plymouth 

Dr Wendy Sims-Schouten, University of Portsmouth 

Dr James Reade, University of Reading 

Prof Ludovica Serratrice, University of Reading 

Prof Rajneesh Narula, University of Reading 

Dr Alex Fenton, University of Salford 

Dr Gordon Fletcher, University of Salford 

Dr Nick Davies, University of Salford 

Dr Sarah Withers, University of Salford 

Prof Geoff Hide, University of Salford 

Dr Alex Dennis, University of Sheffield 

Dr Dmitry Chernobrov, University of Sheffield 

Dr Hannah Lambie-Mumford, University of Sheffield 

Dr John Oyekan, University of Sheffield 

Dr Marta Herrero, University of Sheffield 

Dr Sabine Little, University of Sheffield 

Dr Sarah Price, University of Sheffield 

Prof Jill Atkins, University of Sheffield 

Ms Moizzah Asif, University of South Wales 

Prof Denis Murphy, University of South Wales  

Dr Anita Lavorgna, University of Southampton 

Dr Kathryn Woods-Townsend, University of Southampton 

Prof David Coggon, University of Southampton 

Dr Christos Lynteris, The University of St Andrews 

Prof Ross Brown, University of St Andrews 

Dr Greig Paul, University of Strathclyde 

Dr Joan Mowat, University of Strathclyde 

Prof Tim Sharpe, University of Strathclyde 

Dr Olumide Adisa, University of Suffolk 

Dr Tom Vine, University of Suffolk 

Mr Keith Hotchkiss, University of Suffolk  

Dr Anyu Liu, University of Surrey 

Dr Birgitta Gatersleben, University of Surrey 

Dr Theofanis Exadaktylos, University of Surrey 

Prof Bonnie G Buchanan, University of Surrey 

Dr Samuel Roscoe, University of Sussex 

Prof Enrico Scalas, University of Sussex 

Prof John Drury, University of Sussex 

Prof Sam Cartwright-Hatton, University of Sussex 

Dr Orkun Saka, University of Sussex & LSE 

Dr Mark Elliott, University of Warwick 

Dr Sharifah Sekalala, University of Warwick  

Prof Robin Goodwin, University of Warwick 

Prof Carsten Maple, University of Warwick; Alan Turing Institute 

Prof Sonali Kochhar, University of Washington, Seattle 

Dr James Faulkner, University of Winchester 

Prof Denise Hewlett, University of Winchester 

Dr Luise Marino, University of Winchester and University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust 

Dr Subashini Suresh, University of Wolverhampton 

Dr Suresh Renukappa, University of Wolverhampton 

Prof Andy Lane, University of Wolverhampton 

Dr Caroline Ward, University of York 

Dr Fay Bound Alberti, University of York 

Dr Marco Sakai, University of York 

Prof Henrice Altink, University of York  

Prof Kate Pickett, University of York, and Bradford Institute for Health Research 

Dr Jo Michell, UWE Bristol 

Mrs Claire Blanchard, UWTSD 

Dr Beverley Williamson, Williamson Compliance Ltd; Inclusive Competition Forum  

Dr Zisis Kozlakidis, World Health Organization/ International Agency for Research on Cancer 

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