Evidence Week 2024/25
POST has partnered with Sense about Science to host the seventh annual Evidence Week in Parliament and online from 20 – 24 January.
Exploring challenges and opportunities for nuclear power in the UK, with senior figures from the sector. Open to UK and Canadian parliamentarians, parliamentary staff and Government officials.
Under the UK’s Net Zero ambitions, demand for zero-carbon power is expected to increase substantially in coming decades, as greater proportions of heating and transport system are electrified and unabated fossil-fuelled power is phased out. Following the publication of the 2020 Energy White Paper, opportunities exist to increase the share of nuclear power in the UK’s generating mix, but a range of barriers across economic, technical and social dimensions must be overcome to do so.
This online event, hosted by POST in partnership with the Canada-UK Council (CUKC), will allow parliamentarians to learn about and discuss the outcomes of a 2020 CUKC Colloquium on nuclear power, with the aim that they can better understand the range of challenges and opportunities the civil nuclear sector faces in the UK.
The focus of the 2020 CUKC Colloquium was “The Nuclear Agenda: Challenges and Opportunities”. Over two days, it brought together a range of international experts and policy makers to examine ways to advance the use of nuclear energy in the two nations. Participants examined political, regulatory, technological and financial aspects of the subject, as well as issues around public acceptance and decommissioning. Its aim was to foster international collaboration with a set of 30 recommendations for the UK and Canadian governments in the civil nuclear area.
A full report of the Colloquium with its recommendations can be found here (pdf). This event will take a deeper look at the Colloquium’s recommendations as they pertain to the UK and explore further options for collaboration between the UK and Canada in the area.
Darren Jones MP, Chair of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee (Chair)
This briefing is open to UK and Canadian parliamentarians, parliamentary staff and Government officials.
You can contact POST at postevents@parliament.uk. Please advise us of any particular requirements you may have, or of anything we can do to make this event accessible to you.
Personal data collected by the UK Parliament for this event, facilitate entry and evaluation. A full list of all attendees, their occupation, organisation and contact details will be provided during the event, but you will be given the option to opt out. To find out more about how we handle personal data, please see our privacy policy.
Photo by Jakob Madsen on Unsplash
POST has partnered with Sense about Science to host the seventh annual Evidence Week in Parliament and online from 20 – 24 January.
POST has partnered with Sense about Science and the University of Nottingham to host the sixth annual Evidence Week in Parliament and online from 3 – 7 July.
POST has partnered with Sense about Science and London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) to host Evidence Week in Parliament, from 14 until 18 November 2022.