Approved work: Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health
This POSTnote will outline the challenges and opportunities for the use of artificial intelligence and mental health
This POSTbrief explains what automated vehicles are and how they work. It outlines developments in the UK, benefits and concerns and policy considerations.
Automated vehicles (957 KB , PDF)
POSTbriefs are based on literature reviews and interviews with a range of stakeholders and are peer reviewed. POST would like to thank interviewees and peer reviewers for kindly giving up their time during the preparation of this briefing, including:
Paul Martynenko MBE from the POST Board*
House of Commons Library Staff
Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles*
Professor Siddartha Khastgir, WMG, University of Warwick
Dr Sam Hind, University of Manchester*
Andre Burgess, National Physical Laboratory*
Professor Joseph Giacomin, Brunel University*
Professor Miles Elsden, The Institute for Engineering
Jamie Hodsdon, Oxa*
Ashley Feldman, techUK
Dr Debbie Hopkins, University of Oxford*
Professor Tim Schwanen, University of Oxford*
Michael Szczepanski, Met Office*
Dr Dave Jones, Met Office*
Professor Graham Parkhurst, University of the West of England
Dr Roger Morgan, Pupils2Parliament
Professor Phillip Morgan, University of Cardiff
*Denotes people and organisations who acted as external reviewers of the briefing
Automated vehicles (957 KB , PDF)
This POSTnote will outline the challenges and opportunities for the use of artificial intelligence and mental health
This POSTnote will outline what UK technology infrastructure is, potential impacts of disruptions, risks, options for mitigating risks and relevant policy.
This POSTnote will outline the challenges and opportunities for spatial planning and climate change across national, regional and local decision-making levels.