Approved work: Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health
This POSTnote will outline the challenges and opportunities for the use of artificial intelligence and mental health
This POSTnote looks at the numbers of unpaid carers across the UK, and the amount and type of care provided. It examines the impacts of providing unpaid care on carers’ education, employment, finances, health and wellbeing, and personal and social relationships. The note reviews the different types of support available for carers and examines evidence on their effectiveness.
Unpaid Care (559 KB , PDF)
The Government defines unpaid care as a private arrangement whereby someone cares for a family member, friend, or neighbour because of long-term physical or mental ill health or disability, or care needs relating to old age. Carers provide a range of support including personal care, emotional support, help with practical tasks such as shopping, and reminding or giving medication. Most unpaid care is provided by children and spouses.
Positive effects of caring including improvements in psychological well-being, personal fulfilment and physical health. However, in general, research shows that providing unpaid care is associated with negative impacts on carers’ education, employment, household finances, health and wellbeing, and personal and social relationships. These effects vary according to the characteristics of the carer, the relationship between the carer and the person they care for, and the type, amount (number of hours per week), and duration (length of time caring) of care provided. For example, effects tend to worsen for carers that provide personal care (such as helping to dress), care for 50 or more hours of care per week, and for those that live with the person for which they care.
Support for carers can be provided by governments (through the benefits system for example), employers, health and social care services, charities, schools, friends and family, or paid for privately. Across the UK, local authorities have a duty to identify carers and carers have the right to request an assessment of their support needs. Types of support can include financial, employment, respite care, training, and emotional support. Some carers, such as those from ethnic minorities, can find it difficult to access support.
There have been few evaluations of financial and employment support for carers but evidence suggests that paid services for the person cared, such as home care, may be effective in supporting carers’ employment. Providing carers with respite care may increase wellbeing and reduce stress, and education and training may help to increase carers’ understanding of health conditions.
Key points:
POSTnotes are based on literature reviews and interviews with a range of stakeholders and are externally peer reviewed. POST would like to thank interviewees and peer reviewers for kindly giving up their time during the preparation of this briefing, including:
* Denotes external reviewers of the briefing.
Unpaid Care (559 KB , PDF)
This POSTnote will outline the challenges and opportunities for the use of artificial intelligence and mental health
This POSTnote will outline the current evidence and policies in schools to support children's wellbeing and behaviour.
The metaverse is the next stage of the changing internet. It may have positive impacts for society, but may also expose users to new risks.