Biodiversity net gain
This POSTnote outlines the mandatory biodiversity net gain policy introduced in England in 2024 and the risks and challenges for delivering its objectives.
The food system underpins many aspects of our society. It feeds us and shapes the economic, social and natural environments that we live in. The COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the importance of resilience in the food system. This POSTnote defines resilience and why it is needed, describes what a more resilient UK food system would look like and explores possible ways of achieving this.
A resilient UK food system (499 KB , PDF)
The complexity of the modern food system means that it is vulnerable to a range of shocks and stresses. Examples include a 2008 global food price spike (which saw the price of wheat rise by 130%), a 2018 shortage of CO2 gas that impacted supply chains across the food and drink sector, and panic buying in the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak that led to shops introducing temporary rationing and limited opening hours.
These disruptions have led to calls for a greater focus on the ‘resilience’ of the entire food system, including the need for more joined-up thinking and collaboration to address system-wide issues and problems. In 2019, the UK Government commissioned an independent review to inform a National Food Strategy, and has committed to respond with a White Paper within 6 months of the review’s publication.
Key Points:
POSTnotes are based on literature reviews and interviews with a range of stakeholders and are externally peer reviewed. POST would like to thank interviewees and peer reviewers for kindly giving up their time during the preparation of this briefing, including:
Tim Benton, Chatham House*
Helen Browning, Soil Association*
Richard Bruce, University of Sheffield, Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures
Bob Doherty, University of York *
Jonathan Finlay, House of Commons Library*
Tara Garnett, University of Oxford*
Chris Gilbert-Wood, CGW FoodTech*
Ben Goodall, Food Standards Agency*
Shona Goudie, The Food Foundation*
Corinna Hawkes, City, University of London *
Tony Heron, University of York*
Graeme Heron, University of Sheffield*
Vicki Hird, Sustain*
Isabel Hughes, The Food Foundation*
John Ingram, University of Oxford*
Peter Jackson, University of Sheffield, Institute for Sustainable Food*
Lenny Koh, University of Sheffield*
Tim, Lang City, University of London*
Damian Malins, FERA
Louise Manning, Royal Agricultural University*
Christine McDowell, National Farmers’ Union*
Richard Millan, FERA
Gavin Milligan, Green Knight Sustainability Consulting Ltd*
Jim Moseley, Red Tractor
Helen Munday, Food & Drink Federation (FDF)*
Christian Reynolds, University of Sheffield, City, University London
Courtney Scott, The Food Foundation
Dugald Strathearn, DEFRA*
Christine Tacon, Groceries Code Adjudicator*
Rachel Ward, Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST)*
Richard Werran, British Standards Institution*
Philippa Wiltshire, Red Tractor
Monika Zurek University of Oxford*
*denotes people and organisations who acted as external reviewers of the briefing.
A resilient UK food system (499 KB , PDF)
This POSTnote outlines the mandatory biodiversity net gain policy introduced in England in 2024 and the risks and challenges for delivering its objectives.
This POSTnote outlines the benefits and challenges of using enhanced rock weathering as a GGR approach for addressing emissions from UK hard-to-abate sectors.
This POSTbrief explains what automated vehicles are and how they work. It outlines developments in the UK, benefits and concerns and policy considerations.