The UK and China relationship
China is the UK’s fifth-largest trading partner. Recent issues have complicated the relationship with China, but opportunities remain.

Space-based assets (satellites and the terrestrial ground stations that communicate with them) provide critical support to military and civilian operations. They are vulnerable to unintentional damage and disruption, and to deliberate attack. This POSTnote outlines how the UK uses and accesses satellites, potential risks to satellites, and approaches to mitigation.
POSTnote 654 Defence of Space-based Assets (427 KB , PDF)
Space-based assets are part of the UK’s critical national infrastructure, and are important for civilian activities in many sectors, such as transport, finance and utilities. They are also central to military operations, for example, for surveillance, communications, navigation and ballistic missile detection. Disruption to satellite services has the potential to cause significant economic impacts. For instance, a study produced by the London Economics consultancy in 2017 estimated that a five-day disruption to global navigation satellites might cost the UK £5.2 billion.
In the Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy, the UK Government outlined its plans to publish a national space strategy in 2021, which it says will establish an integrated approach across both military and civil space policy and will support the UK space sector. The Government has also said that it will publish a defence space strategy in 2021 (originally due in 2018). It has announced that over the next decade, it will invest £1.4 billion in developing the UK’s space capabilities, and approximately £5 billion in upgrading the SKYNET system of military communication satellites.
Key points:
POSTnotes are based on literature reviews and interviews with a range of stakeholders and are externally peer-reviewed. POST would like to thank interviewees and peer reviewers for kindly giving up their time during the preparation of this briefing, including:
Members of the POST board*
Ministry of Defence*
Allen Antrobus, Airbus Defence and Space
Dr Philippe Blondel, University of Bath
Dr Bleddyn Bowen, University of Leicester*
Professor Tat-Jun Chin, University of Adelaide
Professor John Culton, University of Adelaide
Mike Curtis-Rouse, Satellite Applications Catapult
Ralph ‘Dinz’ Dinsley, Northern Space and Security Ltd*
Chris Dunn, Meta Mission Data*
Professor Bryan Edwards, Science and Technology Facilities Council*
Robert Elliot, Science and Technology Facilities Council
Paul Febvre, Satellite Applications Catapult*
Jacob Geer, UK Space Agency*
Toby Harris, Astroscale*
Dr Mark Hilborne, Kings College London*
Dr Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne, University of Reading
Kaitlyn Johnson, Centre for Strategic and International Studies*
Kevin Mcloughlin, UK Space Agency
Professor Christopher Newman, Northumbria University*
Clive Oates, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd
Professor Alan Partridge, Science and Technology Facilities Council
James Pavur, University of Oxford*
Victoria Samson, Secure World Foundation*
Nicholas Smith, Lockheed Martin/UK Space
Ben Stern, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd*
Alexandra Stickings, Frazer-Nash Consultancy*
Professor Michael Webb, University of Adelaide
Dr Brian Weeden, Secure World Foundation*
Tom Williams, Airbus Defence and Space
* denotes people and organisations who acted as external reviewers of the briefing.
POSTnote 654 Defence of Space-based Assets (427 KB , PDF)
China is the UK’s fifth-largest trading partner. Recent issues have complicated the relationship with China, but opportunities remain.
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