Net zero: the role of consumer behaviour
Achieving net zero is expected to require changes in consumer behaviour and habits. What are the challenges and how can they be overcome?

Climate change is creating complex risks for societies, with globalisation increasing dependencies and interconnectedness between nations. This POSTnote sets out the potential security implications of climate change, arising from both its impacts on human systems and the ‘transition risks’ from climate change mitigation measures. It also describes the tools and approaches that could be used to manage the risks and opportunities arising.
Climate change and security (417 KB , PDF)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated global warming is making extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, droughts, and extreme rainfall, more frequent and intense worldwide. This amplifies a variety of potential security risks domestically and overseas, including food, water, and biosecurity risks.
The security implications of climate change arise due both to its direct impacts and measures taken to address it. Disasters affect critical infrastructure, such as power and food systems, and disrupt global supply chains, which cross borders and amplify risks overseas. Migration and conflict may be exacerbated by climate impacts, and the security outcomes in every case depend on the resilience of the affected societies. Energy transitions create other security risks by changing geopolitical relationships and creating dependencies on different material resources. A new global approach to security is required if effective responses to such interconnected climate risks are to be developed and poorly implemented adaptation measures that can increase climate risks avoided.
However, more effective menagement of the security implications of climate change may present opportunities. New tools and approaches can be used to identify opportunities and manage risks, including a range of new technologies and risk analysis methods, such as Machine Learning, agent-based modelling and scenario-focused decision analysis. Building general resilience to disruption at home and overseas also reduces climate risks. Reducing overseas risks may require effective international development, which links defence, development and diplomacy. This involves co-creating development measures locally, collaborating across disciplines to understand complex systems, and building trusted institutions.
POSTnotes are based on literature reviews and interviews with a range of stakeholders and are externally peer reviewed. POST would like to thank interviewees and peer reviewers for kindly giving up their time during the preparation of this briefing, including:
Members of the POST board*
Samira Barzin, University of Oxford
Tugba Basaran, University of Cambridge*
Tim Benton, Chatham House
Richard Black, Imperial College London
Alex Clark, University of Oxford*
Duncan Depledge, Loughborough University*
Sherri Goodman, The International Military Council on Climate and Security*
Weisi Guo, Cranfield University*
Alexandra Harrington, Lancaster University
Rowena Hill, Nottingham Trent University
Scott Hosking, British Antarctic Survey
Matthew Ince, Ministry of Defence*
John Ingram, University of Oxford
Lenny Koh, University of Sheffield*
Tim Lenton, University of Exeter*
Sam Loni, University of Oxford*
Erik Mackie, University of Cambridge
Neil Morisetti, University College London*
Max Nathanson, University of Oxford*
Richard Nugee, Ministry of Defence
Richard Pickford, Nottingham Trent University
Edward Pope, Met Office*
Mark Workman, Imperial College London*
*denotes people and organisations who acted as external reviewers of the briefing.
Climate change and security (417 KB , PDF)
Achieving net zero is expected to require changes in consumer behaviour and habits. What are the challenges and how can they be overcome?
China is the UK’s fifth-largest trading partner. Recent issues have complicated the relationship with China, but opportunities remain.
What does the future hold for alliances such as NATO and AUKUS, and how can the UK enhance its reputation and influence in the world?