Approved work: Birthrate decline
New parliamentary research project approved to explore the impacts of birthrate decline

This POSTnote summarises the ethical implications and regulatory considerations for deploying Artificial Intelligence (AI) in mental healthcare.
AI and mental healthcare - ethical and regulatory considerations (1 MB , PDF)
In recent years the number of AI tools available for mental healthcare and wellbeing purposes has increased. This builds from a burgeoning digital health sector in which 20,000+ wellbeing apps are reportedly available on the app store. These apps are distinct both from AI tools which have been purpose-built for NHS use, and from unintended uses of companion chatbot apps – which were never intended for mental health purposes. All the cases of severe harm identified through this research were from unintended uses of general companion chatbot apps. But there are ethical considerations around the use of all AI tools in mental healthcare.
Public sector responses are underway to improve data availability and support improvement in evidence generation and deployment. There are also collaborative responses underway to address the ethical challenges from multiple government agencies in the UK and globally. This builds on considerable existing regulation and guidance (examples are outlined in the POSTnote).
For more on tools currently being trialed, the opportunities they offer, and considerations for delivery, see PN737.
Trials and use of AI tools for mental healthcare and wellbeing purposes are widespread. Although they offer many opportunities, there are ethical and regulatory concerns about their use. Regulatory responses are underway in the UK and globally.
Ethical concerns include the potential for harm to the public, perpetuating bias, data protection and privacy concerns, and questions around transparency, accountability, and liability.
There are mixed views on inclusion and exclusion, where AI and other digital tools have potential to exclude some service users whilst increasing accessibility for others.
Contributors and evidence suggested the quality of the evidence base behind these tools needs to be improved. Addressing the quality and availability of data is suggested necessary to support both this improvement and effective deployment.
Recently developed AI technologies (particularly Generative AI) function differently to previous technologies and therefore present novel ethical and regulatory challenges.
POSTnotes are based on literature reviews and interviews with a range of stakeholders and are externally peer reviewed. POST would like to thank interviewees and peer reviewers for kindly giving up their time during the preparation of this briefing, including:
Members of the POST board*
Aynsley Bernard, Kooth
Dr Graham Blackman, University of Oxford
Professor Adriane Chapman, The Governance in AI Research Group (GAIRG)*
Claudia Corradi, The Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Dr David Crepaz-Keay, the Mental Health Foundation*
Fiona Dawson, Mayden
Zoe Devereux, University of Birmingham*
Dr Piers Gooding, La Trobe University
Dr Caroline Green, University of Oxford
Lara Groves, Ada Lovelace Institute
James Heard, The Governance in AI Research Group (GAIRG)*
Dr Gareth Hopkin, Science Policy and Research Programme Team, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)*
Dr Becky Inkster, Cambridge University
Dr Grace Jacobs, Kings College London*
Lauren Jerome, Queen Mary University of London
Dr Indra Joshi, Trustee for Lift Schools
Dr Andrey Kormilitzin, University of Oxford
Associate Professor Akshi Kumar, Goldsmiths, University of London
Professor Agata Lapedriza, Northeastern University; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Dr Paris Alexandros Lalousis, Kings College London*
Dr Sophia McCully, The Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Dr Rafael Mestre, Southampton University*
Dr Thomas Mitchell, The Governance in AI Research Group (GAIRG)*
Dr Max Rollwage, Limbic*
Dr Annika Marie Schoene, Northeastern University
Julia Smakman. Ada Lovelace Institute*
John Tench, Wysa
Associate Professor Stuart Middleton, Southampton University
Alli Smith, Office for Life Sciences
Mona Stylianou, Everyturn Mental Health*
Dr James Thornton, The Governance in AI Research Group (GAIRG)*
Dr Pauline Whelan, CareLoop*
Dr Gwydion Williams, Wellcome Trust*
Dr James Woollard, Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust, NHS England*
Andy Wright, Everyturn Mental Health
Emeritus Professor Jeremy Wyatt, The Governance in AI Research Group (GAIRG)*
Information Commissioners Office*
Members of the Software Team, Healthcare Quality and Access Group at the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)*
MHRA AI Airlock programme team
The Joint Digital Policy Unit (a joint unit between the Transformation Directorate in NHS England, and DHSC)
AI and mental healthcare - ethical and regulatory considerations (1 MB , PDF)
New parliamentary research project approved to explore the impacts of birthrate decline
This POSTnote summarises the opportunities and delivery considerations for deploying Artificial Intelligence (AI) in mental healthcare.
New parliamentary research project approved to consider opportunities and challenges from the production of cultivated meat.