Automated vehicles
This POSTbrief explains what automated vehicles are and how they work. It outlines developments in the UK, benefits and concerns and policy considerations.
There is growing interest in using nuclear fusion for generating electricity in the future. The fuel it would use is abundant and it produces no greenhouse gases. Questions remain over issues such as the economic viability and environmental impact of fusion power and the timescales for its commercialisation.
Nuclear Fusion, January 2003 (130 KB , PDF)
There is growing interest in using nuclear fusion for generating electricity in the future. The fuel it would use is abundant and it produces no greenhouse gases. International negotiations are under way to construct the next major experimental fusion reactor (ITER) and the US has recently decided to re-enter these discussions. Questions remain over issues such as the economic viability and environmental impact of fusion power and the timescales for its commercialisation. This note discusses such issues and updates POST’s previous briefings on fusion research .
Nuclear Fusion, January 2003 (130 KB , PDF)
This POSTbrief explains what automated vehicles are and how they work. It outlines developments in the UK, benefits and concerns and policy considerations.
This POSTnote summarises the developments in demand side response, evidence of its potential contribution to the decarbonisation of the power system, and the technical barriers associated to this tool.
This POSTnote summarises the challenges and options for enabling and encouraging of low-carbon actions by individuals in sectors with the highest emissions.