Community based climate change approaches
Achieving climate policies will require local community action. What can be done to involve communities in climate mitigation and adaptation?

This briefing examines the basis for the Government’s estimates of environmental costs of aviation and how these could be used in policy decisions related to airport expansion and environmental regulation.
The Environmental Costs of Aviation, November 2003 (116 KB , PDF)
The Government’s policies for the future of UK air transport will be set out in a White Paper in late 2003. This will also put forward initial proposals for making the aviation industry and its users pay for their environmental costs. This briefing examines the basis for the Government’s cost estimates and how these could be used in policy decisions related to airport expansion and environmental regulation for aviation.
The Environmental Costs of Aviation, November 2003 (116 KB , PDF)
Achieving climate policies will require local community action. What can be done to involve communities in climate mitigation and adaptation?
Nature based solutions can help address climate change and other societal challenges. However, key implementation data gaps remain.
The retrofit of the UK's historic building stock is needed to enhance energy efficiency and achieve net zero targets. How can this be done?