Balancing UK agricultural production and environmental objectives
Supporting food and fibre production approaches that are environmentally sustainable and resilient to environmental change.
This POSTnote examines the underlying trends in global population, the reasons for them, their implications and related issues. POSTnote 25. POST. 1991.
World population (231 KB , PDF)
The human population is growing by nearly 100 million people every year. This is faster than predicted ten years ago, and the UN has had to revise upwards its forecasts of future populations. It now predicts that global population could double or even triple from its current 5,300 million.
This POSTnote examines the underlying trends in global population, the reasons for them, their implications and related issues.
World population (231 KB , PDF)
Supporting food and fibre production approaches that are environmentally sustainable and resilient to environmental change.
Water supplies could be better protected through a risk-based systems approach to managing the pressures currently degrading freshwaters.
Cross-cutting climate and environmental risks raise interconnected governance challenges that involve justice, sustainability and resilience concepts.