Approved work: Security of UK technology infrastructure
This POSTnote will outline what UK technology infrastructure is, potential impacts of disruptions, risks, options for mitigating risks and relevant policy.
This POSTnote looks at measures to protect satellites from debris and international agreements and guidelines to reduce the amount of debris generated.
Space debris, March 2010 (343 KB , PDF)
Space debris, March 2010 (343 KB , PDF)
This POSTnote will outline what UK technology infrastructure is, potential impacts of disruptions, risks, options for mitigating risks and relevant policy.
This POSTnote will outline the challenges and opportunities for spatial planning and climate change across national, regional and local decision-making levels.
This POSTnote will outline the energy system application of AI and Machine Learning. It will also consider the data, cybersecurity and ethical challenges that will need to be considered for application in the UK to enhance energy security.