Harnessing scientific and technological innovation in the UK
What is the role of funding, collaboration, skills and policy in harnessing scientific and technological innovation in the UK?
This POSTnote considers the arguments surrounding the patenting of human DNA and the issues raised.
Patenting Human DNA (224 KB , PDF)
The UK is active in a large international programme to decipher the human genetic code. A split has developed between those (led by the US Government but followed reluctantly by the UK) who are attempting to patent basic genetic information as soon as it is decoded, and those who believe that patents should only be considered after further inventive steps. This undermines the international cooperation on which the programme relies.
Patenting Human DNA (224 KB , PDF)
What is the role of funding, collaboration, skills and policy in harnessing scientific and technological innovation in the UK?
The world faces several global challenges from climate change, sustainability, inequality, and other threats. How can digital technologies and AI help us to respond?
Digital technologies are revolutionising much of the UK’s infrastructure. What are the are opportunities and challenges?