Children’s wellbeing in schools
This POSTnote analyses evidence relating to the wellbeing of children in mainstream schools, the impacts of low wellbeing, and types of practice for improving wellbeing.

This POSTnote examines the main challenges to the participation and productivity of older people in the workforce.
An Ageing Workforce (247 KB , PDF)
Over the next decade, the changing age profile of the workforce will be the most significant development in the UK labour market, as a third of workers will be over 50 by 2020. Employers will be expected to respond to this demographic shift by making work more attractive and feasible for older workers, enabling them to work up to and beyond State Pension Age (SPA) if they are capable. This POSTnote examines the main challenges to the participation and productivity of older people in the workforce.
An Ageing Workforce (247 KB , PDF)
This POSTnote analyses evidence relating to the wellbeing of children in mainstream schools, the impacts of low wellbeing, and types of practice for improving wellbeing.
New parliamentary research project approved to explore the impacts of birthrate decline
New parliamentary briefing approved on the barriers to digital transformation projects.