Community based climate change approaches
Achieving climate policies will require local community action. What can be done to involve communities in climate mitigation and adaptation?

This POSTnote examines disease threats to UK livestock, outlines prevention and control measures, and looks at factors likely to contribute to future disease.
Livestock disease (313 KB , PDF)
The 2001 Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak cost the UK £6-9 billion. In 2010/11, the government spent £91 million compensating farmers for bovine TB. It is considering proposals for sharing costs and responsibilities for preventing and controlling disease with the livestock industry. This POSTnote examines disease threats to UK livestock, outlines prevention and control measures, and looks at factors likely to contribute to future disease.
Livestock disease (313 KB , PDF)
Achieving climate policies will require local community action. What can be done to involve communities in climate mitigation and adaptation?
Nature based solutions can help address climate change and other societal challenges. However, key implementation data gaps remain.
Psychedelic-assisted therapy for mental health conditions is being researched in clinical trials. There are associated benefits, risks and policy considerations.