Automated vehicles
This POSTbrief explains what automated vehicles are and how they work. It outlines developments in the UK, benefits and concerns and policy considerations.
This POSTnote examines the international progress towards power from nuclear fusion and its future prospects. POSTnote 40. POST. 1993.
Nuclear fusion (239 KB , PDF)
Since the first hydrogen bomb test showed that the sun’s fusion energy processes could be reproduced on earth, governments and others have funded research into harnessing fusion to produce electricity. Over 30 years later, many national and international research efforts are about to be coordinated into a global project on nuclear fusion – the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER).
This POSTnote examines the international progress towards power from nuclear fusion and its future prospects.
Nuclear fusion (239 KB , PDF)
This POSTbrief explains what automated vehicles are and how they work. It outlines developments in the UK, benefits and concerns and policy considerations.
This POSTnote summarises the developments in demand side response, evidence of its potential contribution to the decarbonisation of the power system, and the technical barriers associated to this tool.
This POSTnote summarises the challenges and options for enabling and encouraging of low-carbon actions by individuals in sectors with the highest emissions.