Net zero: the role of consumer behaviour
Achieving net zero is expected to require changes in consumer behaviour and habits. What are the challenges and how can they be overcome?

This POSTnote explores two approaches to managing land for balancing nature conservation with sustainable food production. Land sharing integrates the objectives of agriculture and benefits to wildlife on the same land. Land sparing on the other hand separates intensive farming areas from protected natural habitats at larger scales.
Balancing Nature and Agriculture (397 KB , PDF)
This POSTnote explores two approaches to managing land for balancing nature conservation with sustainable food production. Land sharing integrates the objectives of agriculture and benefits to wildlife on the same land. Land sparing on the other hand separates intensive farming areas from protected natural habitats at larger scales.
Balancing Nature and Agriculture (397 KB , PDF)
Achieving net zero is expected to require changes in consumer behaviour and habits. What are the challenges and how can they be overcome?
New parliamentary research project approved to explore the impacts of birthrate decline
This POSTnote will outline the challenges and options for addressing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance pollution.