The UK and China relationship
China is the UK’s fifth-largest trading partner. Recent issues have complicated the relationship with China, but opportunities remain.

Internet communications are often monitored to investigate criminal activity. Recent attempts to update UK regulation of investigatory powers have generated controversy. This POSTnote explains the use of different internet monitoring methods and discusses the impact of evolving technologies.
Monitoring Internet Communications (304 KB , PDF)
Internet communications are often monitored to investigate criminal activity. Recent attempts to update UK regulation of investigatory powers have generated controversy. This POSTnote explains the use of different internet monitoring methods and discusses the impact of evolving technologies.
Monitoring Internet Communications (304 KB , PDF)
China is the UK’s fifth-largest trading partner. Recent issues have complicated the relationship with China, but opportunities remain.
What does the future hold for alliances such as NATO and AUKUS, and how can the UK enhance its reputation and influence in the world?
New parliamentary briefing approved on the barriers to digital transformation projects.