Community based climate change approaches
Achieving climate policies will require local community action. What can be done to involve communities in climate mitigation and adaptation?

Demand-Side Response describes electricity users (the demand side) changing their patterns of use in response to incentives. It is one of several options eligible for Government support introduced by the 2013 Energy Act. This POSTnote outlines DSR, how it is provided, its role for the UK and its potential future development.
Electricity Demand-Side Response (414 KB , PDF)
Electricity Demand-Side Response (414 KB , PDF)
Achieving climate policies will require local community action. What can be done to involve communities in climate mitigation and adaptation?
Nature based solutions can help address climate change and other societal challenges. However, key implementation data gaps remain.
The retrofit of the UK's historic building stock is needed to enhance energy efficiency and achieve net zero targets. How can this be done?