What is the metaverse and what impacts will it have for society?
The metaverse is the next stage of the changing internet. It may have positive impacts for society, but may also expose users to new risks.
A briefing which describes the prevalence of allergic disorders in children and the factors which contribute to the development of allergies in infancy and early childhood. It also summarises new developments in research and treatment and gives an overview of current health policy on allergy services.
Childhood Allergy (292 KB , PDF)
In the UK, 40-50% of children have at least one diagnosed allergy. The increased prevalence of allergies negatively impacts affected children’s quality of life and puts pressure on health services. This note discusses the causes and extent of allergic disease in childhood, examines the links between allergy, genetics and the environment and summarises current research.
Childhood Allergy (292 KB , PDF)
The metaverse is the next stage of the changing internet. It may have positive impacts for society, but may also expose users to new risks.
This POSTbrief examines and summarises the academic evidence on the impacts of UPFs on human health.
A POSTnote summarising proposed reforms to the Mental Health Act 1983, including research evidence and stakeholder views on the impacts on autistic people and people with a learning disability.