The role of transport in improving access to opportunities
There are significant regional and demographic differences in accessing opportunities, including jobs and education. How can transport improve connectivity?

This short report looks at the current extent of waste recycling, the technical potential for increasing the amount of waste recycled and issues arising. POST technical report 58. POST. 1995.
Waste recycling (944 KB , PDF)
Recycling has been the subject of sustained parliamentary interest over the last few years, with enquiries by Committees of both Houses, set against the backdrop of increasing attention being given to issues of sustainable development. UK policy has been under detailed review and a consultation paper on a future National Waste Strategy has just been issued in which policy on recycling forms an important part. Despite this attention, levels of recycling in many UK materials remain low relative to some other EU States.
This short report thus looks at the current extent of waste recycling, the technical potential for increasing the amount of waste recycled and issues arising.
Waste recycling (944 KB , PDF)
There are significant regional and demographic differences in accessing opportunities, including jobs and education. How can transport improve connectivity?
This POSTnote outlines the challenges and opportunities for the English planning system and related policies to deliver net zero infrastructure and services.
6G is the next generation of mobile technology and is yet to be fully defined. How can the UK help define 6G, and develop and implement 6G technologies?