Caesarean sections, October 2002
This POSTnote examines reasons for the increase in the caesarean section (CS) rate and implications for health policy.
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This POSTnote examines reasons for the increase in the caesarean section (CS) rate and implications for health policy.
This POSTnote examines the technological, legal, and enforcement issues as the UK faces the December 2002 deadline implementing the recent EC Directive addressing the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) on the internet.
This POSTnote outlines the basis of interest in hydrogen and examines technologies for its production, handling and use. Policy issues surrounding technology and market development of hydrogen are also considered.
This POSTnote describes how peer review operates, provides an overview of its strengths and weaknesses, and considers what improvements might exist.
This POSTnote outlines possible forms of nuclear terrorism attack such as: Detonation of a nuclear weapon; attacks involving radioactive materials and attacks on nuclear facilities. Legislation addressing these risks and the UK’s strategy for coping with them are also considered.
This POSTnote describes the background to the UK Biobank, and examines issues raised such as consent, confidentiality, ownership and oversight.
This POSTnote outlines how broadband internet access can be received, examines international comparisons and considers options to encourage take-up and coverage.
This POSTnote outlines the technological, social, economic and political issues influencing sustainable water use and examines the UK's role in helping to increase developing countries' capacity in this area.
This POSTnote describes how CCTV is used and examines issues such as its effectiveness, civil liberties and its use in court.
This POSTnote outlines: the Kyoto Protocol and the current UK/EU view; positions of other developed countries (particularly the USA, Australia, Russia and Japan) and the situation in developing countries.
ThisPOSTnote updates a previous note (Managing Flood POSTnote 169, December 2001) by summarising the outcome, and outlines the Government's current consultation on the arrangement for funding flood and coastal defence.
This POSTnote sets out recent legal and technical developments in the area of stem cell research and considers the issues they raise.
NICE provides evidence-based guidance for the NHS, to ensure doctors use the most effective and affordable treaments. This POSTnote outlines how NICE evaluates clinical- and cost-effectiveness and examines the wider issues raised by health technology appraisal.
This POSTnote describes the background to the recent European Commission proposals to extend the GM labelling regime and examines the options available.
The Government wishes to speed the planning of major infrastructure projects (MIPs) to minimise what it sees as unnecessary delays. This POSTnote focuses on what is meant by MIPs, and how they can be appraised.
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