Online voting, May 2001
This POSTnote looks at options for using new technologies in voting, focussing on the pros and cons of internet voting and the implications of such a radical change in the way that elections are conducted.
View the entire archive of POST research dating back to 1989.
This POSTnote looks at options for using new technologies in voting, focussing on the pros and cons of internet voting and the implications of such a radical change in the way that elections are conducted.
Open channels: public dialogue in science and technology. Report No 153. March 2001. POST. 2001.
This POSTnote looks at military advantages and disadvantages of depleted uranium and possible alternatives, and potential risks posed to human health.
This POSTnote looks at the possible increase in waste incineration and concerns over pollution.
This briefing describes satellite navigation, examines the case for Galileo and considers topics such as its funding and management.
This POSTnote describes the rainfall over the UK in Autumn 2000, outlines evidence regarding trends in such extreme events, and explores possible links with climate change.
This POSTnote looks at recent trends in asthma, examines the possible factors behind them and discusses the issues that arise.
This note sets out the design and technical challenges of the proposed US National Missile Defence (NMD) system, and discusses the issues, focussing on the UK's role.
This POSTnote outlines the Kyoto Protocol 'Mechanisms', and discusses key issues to be raised at the so-called 'COP6' meeting that begins in The Hague on 13th November 2000.
This POSTnote details recent developments in the farm-scale evaluations (FSEs) and examines the issues that arise.
This POSTnote explores the content of the new millennium Science Centres and the Wellcome Wing and considers their future.
This POSTnote examines the basis for nature conservation and the role and application of science, and discusses the issues raised.
This POSTnote outlines the progress to date of sequencing efforts and examines the intellectual property rights (IPR) issues that arise.
Total results (page 58 of 67)