• POSTnote

    Health Concerns and the MMR Vaccine, December 1999

    A number of recent scientific studies have investigated possible adverse health effects in infants receiving the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine. The studies focus on the question of whether measles-containing vaccines, including MMR, are associated with the onset of intestinal complaints and/or behavioural disorders. This briefing summarises the evidence from such studies and examines the issues that arise.

  • POSTnote

    The Sun and Space Weather, November 1999

    Last August’s total eclipse of the Sun focussed popular attention on solar science . Beyond this transient spectacle, the increasing use of near-Earth space by satellites provides a strong economic incentive for greater knowledge of Sun-Earth interactions. The disruptions these can cause on Earth, could well increase as the next maximum in solar activity approaches.

  • POSTnote

    Military Use of Satellite Imagery, September 1999

    Technological developments are continually improving the resolution of remote sensing from planes and satellites. Such techniques can provide 24-hour global surveillance in all weathers and are thus of crucial importance to national defence and military operations. But despite all the high technology, human operators remain of paramount importance in interpreting the data. This briefing note reviews the technical challenges and other issues facing the UK in maintaining this military ‘high ground’.

  • POSTnote

    Near Earth Objects, April 1999

    Recent advances in ground-based, satellite and theo-retical astronomy have proved the Solar System’s dynamism and complexity — in particular, that some of its minor members, called Near Earth Objects may impact the Earth in the future. In the UK, the USA and Australia, parliamentary interest has been stimulated. This report sets the results of recent surveys in context and considers the risks involved.

  • POSTnote

    Non-food crops;POST note,125

    Non-crop foods. POST note 125. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. 1999. (Also available on the internet at http://www.parliament.uk/post/home.htm)

  • POSTnote

    Organo-phosphorus;POST note,122

    Organo-phosphates. POST note 122. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. 1998. (Also available on the internet at http://www.parliament.uk/post/home.htm)

  • POSTnote

    Nuclear fusion update;POST note,120

    Nuclear fusion update. POST note 120. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. 1998. (Also available on the internet at http://www.parliament.uk/post/home.htm)

  • POSTnote

    Health claims and foods;POST note,119

    Health claims and foods. POST note 119. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. 1998. (Also available on the internet at http://www.parliament.uk/post/home.htm)

  • POSTnote

    Anti-HIV drugs;POST note,118

    Anti-HIV drugs. POST note 118. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. 1998. (Also available on the internet at http://www.parliament.uk/post/home.htm)