Plant biotechnology – a consensus?
This POSTnote examines the outcome of the first UK Consensus Conferences' public's view of plant biotechnology. POSTnote 56. POST. 1995.
View the entire archive of POST research dating back to 1989.
This POSTnote examines the outcome of the first UK Consensus Conferences' public's view of plant biotechnology. POSTnote 56. POST. 1995.
This POSTnote considers how far the standard-setting process is in step with the gathering pace of biotechnology deregulation. POSTnote 55. POST. 1994.
This POSTnote reviews the technical options involved and the issues raised by different types of ID cards. POSTnote 54. POST. 1994.
This POSTnote presents a digest of Public Sector Research Establishments (PSREs) reviewed by a ‘Scrutiny Team’ report. POST note 53. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. 1994.
This POSTnote reviews knowledge of the causes and effects of population growth in the context of ICPD. POSTnote 52. POST. 1994.
This POSTnote reviews the current position and options for further reducing reactor operating risks. POSTnote 51. POST. 1994.
This POSTnote examines the key role of the NHS in medical research and questions raised. POSTnote 50. POST. 1994.
This POSTnote considers the UK and international activities in the field of Earth observation.
This POSTnote summarises the relevant science and the issues involved in reproductive technologies.
This POSTnote looks at the implications of UK options for reducing sulphur dioxide emissions, one of the main causes of ‘acid rain’. .
This POSTnote examines recent findings on the spread of HIV/AIDS among heterosexuals and their implications for health education policy. POSTnote 46. POST. 1993.
This note examines knowledge of the fate of Chernobyl radioactivity and its implications.
This POSTnote looks at scientific evidence of the effects of screen violence and issues raised. POSTnote 44. POST. 1993.
This POSTnote examines road pricing and its potential use, and the issues raised. POSTnote 43. POST. 1993.
This POSTnote looks at current and future trends in UK CO2 emissions and how the commitment for 2000 might be met. POSTnote 42. POST. 1993.
Total results (page 65 of 67)