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Public health and COVID-19: What are experts concerned about?
Over 1,100 experts have shared with us their concerns about COVID-19 and COVID-impacted areas in the immediate and longer term future. This report outlines concerns about public health. Experts have concerns about future preparedness for public health crises. These include future waves of COVID-19, as well as other potential public health crises. They are interested in seeing how the National Risk Register and Civil Contingencies Act might be updated to reflect lessons learned from COVID-19. There are also concerns about physical and mental health of the UK public. It's unknown how fear and loneliness are affecting people during isolation. It's also unclear how habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and eating have been affected by the outbreak Experts are also concerned about health inequalities. They note that some groups, such as people with low incomes, might be more likely to catch the virus and experience worse outcomes. Finally there are concerns about housing, and how certain types of housing might increase exposure to the virus, and be overall detrimental to occupants health.