Autism, February 2008
This POSTnote describes autism and autism research, and considers policy approaches. Autism, February 2008. POSTnote 08/302.
Synthetic biology, January 2008
This POSTnote outlines recent developments, the possible applications and risks of synthetic biology and examines policy options for the development and governance of the research. Synthetic biology, January 2008. POSTnote 08/298.
Eating disorders, July 2007
This POSTnote reviews the prevalence, possible causes and treatment of eating disorders, and highlights issues relevant to government policy in this area. Eating disorders, July 2007. POSTnote 07/287.
Better brains, June 2007
This POSTnote reviews existing methods of cognitive enhancement along with likely future developments, and considers the regulatory and ethical questions that they pose. Better brains, June 2007. POSTnote 07/285.
Health behaviour, May 2007
This POSTnote will describe the importance of health behaviour change and the challenges to such change. Health behaviour, May 2007. POSTnote 07/283.
Tackling malaria in developing countries, May 2007
Tackling malaria in developing countries, May 2007. POSTnote 07/284.
Alzheimer’s and dementia, February 2007
Alzheimer's and dementia, February 2007. POSTnote 07/278.
Bushmeat trade,February 2005
This POSTnote summarises the causes and effects of the bushmeat trade, UK policy and remaining challenges. Bushmeat trade, February 2005. POSTnote 05/236.
NHS genetic testing,July 2004
NHS genetic testing, July 2004. POSTnote 04/227. This POSTnote looks at the prospects for genetic tests and testing technology
Food Poisoning, January 2003
This briefing describes the trends in foodborne disease in the UK and examines options for meeting the Government target to reduce it by 20% between 2001 and 2006.
Women in science, engineering and technology – an online consultation
The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) has recently completed its second on-line consultation, on the subject of women in science, engineering and technology (SET).
Total results (page 22 of 24)