Health behaviour, May 2007
This POSTnote will describe the importance of health behaviour change and the challenges to such change. Health behaviour, May 2007. POSTnote 07/283.
This POSTnote will describe the importance of health behaviour change and the challenges to such change. Health behaviour, May 2007. POSTnote 07/283.
Tackling malaria in developing countries, May 2007. POSTnote 07/284.
Alzheimer's and dementia, February 2007. POSTnote 07/278.
This POSTnote summarises the causes and effects of the bushmeat trade, UK policy and remaining challenges. Bushmeat trade, February 2005. POSTnote 05/236.
NHS genetic testing, July 2004. POSTnote 04/227. This POSTnote looks at the prospects for genetic tests and testing technology
This briefing describes the trends in foodborne disease in the UK and examines options for meeting the Government target to reduce it by 20% between 2001 and 2006.
The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) has recently completed its second on-line consultation, on the subject of women in science, engineering and technology (SET).
The research reported here attempts to understand as clearly as possible the part played by the mass media in the Great GM Food Debate.
A number of recent scientific studies have investigated possible adverse health effects in infants receiving the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine. The studies focus on the question of whether measles-containing vaccines, including MMR, are associated with the onset of intestinal complaints and/or behavioural disorders. This briefing summarises the evidence from such studies and examines the issues that arise.
Growth promoting hormones have been at the centre of a long running trade dispute between the EU and US.
This briefing summarises recent developments in understanding, diagnosis and treatment of cystic fibrosis, and examines the issues that arise.
This briefing note explains the causes of meningitis, examines the vaccines available and discusses the issues that arise.
This POSTnote considers how far the standard-setting process is in step with the gathering pace of biotechnology deregulation. POSTnote 55. POST. 1994.
Total results (page 23 of 24)