Science in the New Parliament, 2010
After every general election, POST produces a special briefing highlighting some of the main science-based issues that the new Parliament is likely to encounter.
After every general election, POST produces a special briefing highlighting some of the main science-based issues that the new Parliament is likely to encounter.
This POSTnote looks at measures to protect satellites from debris and international agreements and guidelines to reduce the amount of debris generated.
This POSTnote examines the debate on future supplies of a group of elements known as the Rare Earth Metals which have become a highly sought-after resource for high-technology and low carbon industries and discusses the UK and international response.
This briefing describes recent developments in food regulation and examines options to improve food hygiene in businesses through monetary penalties, training and the use of local "Scores on the Doors" schemes.
This POSTnote outlines current and future applications of ITS in road transport, as well as technical, behavioural and economic limitations to their deployment.
This POSTnote outlines some of the challenges in implementing River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) in the UK to meet Water Framework Directive (WFD) objectives.
This POSTnote examines next generation access (NGA) technologies, demand for them and deployments worldwide. It looks at the debate over who should invest in NGA and when, and considers policy issues such as international competitiveness and geographical variations.
This POSTnote outlines recent developments, the possible applications and risks of synthetic biology and examines policy options for the development and governance of the research. Synthetic biology, January 2008. POSTnote 08/298.
Smart materials and systems, January 2008. POSTnote 08/299.
Next generation telecoms networks, December 2007. POSTnote 07/296.
New industries in the deep sea, July 2007. POSTnote 07/288.
This POSTnote sets out the current approaches to managing urban drainage and examines proposals for improving them. Urban flooding, July 2007. POSTnote 07/289.
This POSTnote outlines the types of Waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) and examines the implementation and potential impacts of the legislation. Electronic waste, July 2007. POSTnote 07/291.
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