- 30 Oct 2017, 12:45 – 15:45
- Attlee Suite, Portcullis House
- Contact: postevents@parliament.uk, 02072198973
- This event is open to Members of the House of Commons, the House of Lords and parliamentary staff.
What are the expected impacts of the Brexit process currently looking like? What can researchers and experts tell us about the likely policy outcomes of the withdrawal from the European Union?
The Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology (POST) is jointly hosting an internal event at Parliament to showcase the Economic and Social Research Council’s (ESRC) recent Brexit research. The event will inform Parliament on many aspects of the on-going research around the EU withdrawal.
Since April 2017, ESRC has undertaken over 25 projects related to the process of the UK withdrawal from the European Union. On October 30th, lead researchers from each project will be showcasing their findings in Parliament and engaging in discussions around policy impact. The projects were grouped in 7 major themes:
- Brexit and UK party politics
- Citizen’s expectations
- Economic impact
- Implications for immigrants
- Legal issues and transfer of competencies
- Political contexts
- Post-Brexit governance issues across the UK: impact on equalities, health and environmental policy
After an introduction from Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP, Chair of House of Commons Exiting the EU Committee, there will be a key speech from Professor Catherine Barnard, Senior Fellow of ESRC UK in a Changing Europe Initiative.
This will be follow by a central hall exhibition, with each lead researcher hosting a stand at which Parliamentarians and staff can engage one-on-one. There will also be seven concurrent breakout sessions for attendees to engage in broader discussions with small groups. These breakout sessions will revolve around the topics of:
- Citizen, Devolution, and Representation
- Public Views on Brexit
- Trade and Economics
- Brexit and Free Movement
- Party Politics, European Politics, and Process
- Spatial Economic Impacts
- Consequences for Particular Sectors
Attendees are encouraged to share and discuss with researchers, other staff, and Parliamentarians as to how best to develop ongoing links between the projects and Parliament as the UK moves towards Brexit.
Please note that this event is only for Parliamentarians, Members staff and Parliamentary staff, and space is limited. Refreshments will be provided.
To RSVP, please register on Eventbrite as soon as possible. If you have any questions, concerns, or have accessibility requirements, please email POST’s Communication Manager Naomi Stewart or call 020 7219 8377.