War and the future of war
What emerging trends can we identify in modern warfare, and how will new technologies shape future conflict and the military operating environment?
What emerging trends can we identify in modern warfare, and how will new technologies shape future conflict and the military operating environment?
Living standards, including the cost of living and employment issues, are likely to continue to be of concern to parliament over the next five years.
6G is the next generation of mobile technology and is yet to be fully defined. How can the UK help define 6G, and develop and implement 6G technologies?
Horizon scanning
How can the police and wider criminal justice system best balance the potential benefits and risks of using new technologies?
This POSTnote examines the relationship between debt and mental health, alongside risk factors and policy considerations for support and interventions.
Horizon scanning
What is the role of funding, collaboration, skills and policy in harnessing scientific and technological innovation in the UK?
Horizon scanning
The world faces several global challenges from climate change, sustainability, inequality, and other threats. How can digital technologies and AI help us to respond?
Horizon scanning
Digital technologies are revolutionising much of the UK’s infrastructure. What are the are opportunities and challenges?
Horizon scanning
Advanced technology has increased the breadth, scale and sophistication of cyber crime. How can cyber security evolve to counter it?
Horizon scanning
New technologies are rapidly shaping how people create and consume arts and culture. But what is the impact on rightsholders and human creativity?
Horizon scanning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises to be a vital technology, but how should it be used in education? Should people be educated about AI? What are key concerns?
Horizon scanning
AI poses significant challenges for regulators in a wide number of areas, with different countries taking divergent approaches. How should the UK regulate AI?
Horizon scanning
Technologies in the workplace can increase efficiency and reduce costs. Challenges include a lack of guidelines, blurred work-life boundaries, and re-skilling workers.
Biometric data is a type of personal information that allows the unique identification of a person. This POSTnote outlines the benefits and risks of using biometric data in society.
Future research
This POSTnote will outline the challenges and opportunities for the use of artificial intelligence and mental health
Total results (page 1 of 11)