Horizon scanning
Artificial intelligence: ethics, governance and regulation
AI poses significant challenges for regulators in a wide number of areas, with different countries taking divergent approaches. How should the UK regulate AI?
View the entire archive of POST research dating back to 1989.
Horizon scanning
AI poses significant challenges for regulators in a wide number of areas, with different countries taking divergent approaches. How should the UK regulate AI?
Horizon scanning
Parliament works to scrutinise the government. With concerns about its ability to do this effectively, what reforms might be on the agenda in the next five years?
Horizon scanning
The UK has an ageing population increasingly living with multiple health conditions. Research shows there may be challenges to supporting healthy ageing and improving quality of life for older populations, as current health and social care services are under increasing pressures.
Horizon scanning
How well set up is the criminal justice system to support children and young people, particularly in the light of increasing levels of cyber- and AI-enabled crime?
Horizon scanning
What are the challenges facing deprived communities in the UK, and what opportunities are there for addressing these?
Horizon scanning
With growing cooperation between the UK and EU on various fronts, what new opportunities and challenges lie ahead?
Horizon scanning
Automated vehicles are in trial and development stages across the UK. What are the opportunities and challenges of them being on UK roads?
Horizon scanning
Meeting legally binding targets for reversing biodiversity loss would require a range of challenges to be addressed but would also provide societal benefits.
Horizon scanning
Technologies in the workplace can increase efficiency and reduce costs. Challenges include a lack of guidelines, blurred work-life boundaries, and re-skilling workers.
Horizon scanning
Healthy diets would improve population-wide health and reduce wider health inequalities but are unaffordable for the poorest 20% of the population.
Biometric data is a type of personal information that allows the unique identification of a person. This POSTnote outlines the benefits and risks of using biometric data in society.
This POSTnote outlines policy considerations for addressing housing insecurity, including evidence-based analysis of issues related to the Renters’ Rights Bill.
This POSTnote outlines the extent and nature of housing insecurity in the private rented sector, and outlines risk factors and impacts on tenants and landlords.
This POSTnote outlines the mandatory biodiversity net gain policy introduced in England in 2024 and the risks and challenges for delivering its objectives.
This POSTnote examines trends and patterns in trust in news providers, factors associated with trust, and areas for consideration in the debate about how to improve trust.
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