Carbon footprint of electricity generation,October 2006
Carbon footprint of electricity generation, October 2006. POSTnote 06/268.
Adapting to climate change in developing countries,October 2006
Adapting to climate change in developing countries, October 2006. POSTnote 06/269.
UK soil degradation, July 2006
This POSTnote examines the nature and extent of soil degradation in the UK and the challenges and opportunities for soils in a changing climate. UK soil degradation, July 2006. POSTnote 06/265.
Adapting to climate change in the UK, July 2006.
Adapting to climate change in the UK, July 2006. POSTnote 06/267.
Bushmeat trade,February 2005
This POSTnote summarises the causes and effects of the bushmeat trade, UK policy and remaining challenges. Bushmeat trade, February 2005. POSTnote 05/236.
The Environmental Costs of Aviation, November 2003
This briefing examines the basis for the Government’s estimates of environmental costs of aviation and how these could be used in policy decisions related to airport expansion and environmental regulation.
Hormones in Beef, May 1999
Growth promoting hormones have been at the centre of a long running trade dispute between the EU and US.
Acid Rain Agreements
This POSTnote looks at the implications of UK options for reducing sulphur dioxide emissions, one of the main causes of ‘acid rain’. .
Chernobyl Fallout
This note examines knowledge of the fate of Chernobyl radioactivity and its implications.
Carbon dioxide targets
This POSTnote looks at current and future trends in UK CO2 emissions and how the commitment for 2000 might be met. POSTnote 42. POST. 1993.
Oil Spill Clean-up
This POSTnote reviews oil spill clean-up technology, its limitations and issues raised
Clean coal technology
This POSTnote reviews clean coal technologies and their potential in the UK and overseas. POSTnote 38. POST. 1992.
Global warming
This POSTnote examines recent scientific findings and how they may influence policies on global warming. POSTnote 33. POST. 1992.
World population
This POSTnote examines the underlying trends in global population, the reasons for them, their implications and related issues. POSTnote 25. POST. 1991.
Total results (page 18 of 18)