Minimal access keyhole surgery and its implications
Minimal access ('keyhole') surgery and its implications. POST. 1995.
Minimal access ('keyhole') surgery and its implications. POST. 1995.
This POST note examines environmental impacts from disposing of oil platforms etc., and the issues raised. Oil rig disposal. POST note 65. POST. 1995.
Vaccines and their future role in public health. POST. 1995.
Information and communications technologies are making the site of work less important, radically changing many working practices.
This POSTnote reviews mobile telephone crime and the policy issues which arise for Parliament. Mobile telephone crime. POST note 64. POST. 1995.
Global warming: the state of the science. POST note 61. POST. 1995.
Information 'superhighways': the UK national information infrastructure. POST. 1995.
This report examines the scientific basis of the different types of psychological tests commonly used by employers, their strengths and weaknesses and the issues that arise. POST technical report 59. POST. 1995.
This POSTnote examines the technical aspects of burning waste-derived fuels in cement kilns and the issues raised. POSTnote 60. POST. 1995.
This short report looks at the current extent of waste recycling, the technical potential for increasing the amount of waste recycled and issues arising. POST technical report 58. POST. 1995.
This POSTnote summarises the current debate and recent academic findings on the efficacy of fiscal measures to encourage industrial R&D. POSTnote 57. POST. 1995.
This POSTnote examines the outcome of the first UK Consensus Conferences' public's view of plant biotechnology. POSTnote 56. POST. 1995.
This POSTnote considers how far the standard-setting process is in step with the gathering pace of biotechnology deregulation. POSTnote 55. POST. 1994.
This POSTnote reviews the technical options involved and the issues raised by different types of ID cards. POSTnote 54. POST. 1994.
This POSTnote presents a digest of Public Sector Research Establishments (PSREs) reviewed by a ‘Scrutiny Team’ report. POST note 53. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. 1994.
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