Human challenge studies in the study of infectious diseases
What can deliberately infecting healthy people tell us about infectious diseases? How is this useful for developing treatments, and how do we manage the risks?
On 20th March, the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) released the evidence behind the government response to Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). This series of short articles summarises these 32 documents. You can view all our reporting on this topic under COVID-19. This article goes over the key epidemiological terms used in the COVID-19 response.
This document is from a number of weeks ago. It set out some initial figures on the behaviour of the virus to use in modelling.
This is the average number of people infected by each single infected person. If R0 is greater than 1 then an infection will move through the population. R0 figures in Wuhan early on were between 2 and 3 i.e. each infection led to two or three further infections. In the UK this would lead to 80% of the population being infected.
The time it takes for the number of new infections to double in size. In Wuhan this was 4–6 days.
The aim of the response will be to reduce the frequency with which people are coming into contact with each other. The effectiveness of this strategy will depend upon:
Reducing contact rates may not reduce the overall number of people infected but will flatten the peak of the epidemic. The ultimate aim will be to reduce R0 to below 1 as this will slow or stop the epidemic. However, once restrictions are lifted there may be a rebound of cases.
Modelling suggests that school closures will impact transmission, but less than with influenza.
For influenza the figures given are:
The estimates on 2nd March were:
Infection Fatality Ratio (IFR): the proportion of infected people that die.
Case Fatality Ratio (CFR): the proportion of people with symptoms that die.
Hospitalised Case Fatality Ratio (HFR): the proportion of people hospitalised that die.
Serial interval: the time between symptoms occurring in one person to symptoms appearing in the person they infect. Average 3 to 8 days.
Incubation period: the time between being infected and showing symptoms. On average symptoms take 5 days to appear, but can appear as soon as 1 day or as late as 11 days after infection. A duration outside of the maximum of 14 days is used to inform the extent of isolation.
Forecasting to allow for accurate estimates will depend on defining the figures above for the UK. This will be achieved weeks after a widespread outbreak. The accuracy of models will improve as more data become available. Key among these figures are the hospitalisation rate and CFR.
You can find more content from POST on COVID-19 here.
You can find more content on COVID-19 from the Commons Library here.
What can deliberately infecting healthy people tell us about infectious diseases? How is this useful for developing treatments, and how do we manage the risks?
How do our bodies defend against Covid-19? Read how immune responses differ across people, variants, reinfection, vaccination, and current immunisation strategies.
Research studies involving thousands of people have allowed scientists to test which drugs are effective at treating COVID-19. Several drug therapies are now available to treat people who are in hospital with COVID-19, or to prevent infections in vulnerable people becoming more serious. This briefing explains which drugs are available, the groups of people in which they are used and how they work. It also outlines the importance of monitoring the emergence of new variants and drug resistance.