Horizon scanning
An introduction to Research for Parliament 2021
Experts have helped us find 30 areas of change to help the UK Parliament prepare for the future.
Horizon scanning
Biological solutions for environmental challenges
Biological organisms may begin to provide new and better solutions to environmental problems, but wider use of bioengineering may raise ethical concerns with public perceptions unclear.
Horizon scanning
Preparing for more extreme climate impacts and disasters
Climate change is expected to worsen the frequency, intensity and impacts of some extreme weather events requiring investment in disaster risk reduction and early warning systems.
Horizon scanning
Rebuilding marine biodiversity
Implementing CBD requirements to protect 30% of the global ocean will need to be informed by what interventions can address pressures on marine ecosystems to be successful.
Horizon scanning
Business priorities post-COVID
COVID-19, Brexit and consumer behaviours are changing the way businesses operate. What could the impact be on manufacturing, retail and service provision?
Horizon scanning
Systemic risks arising from escalating biodiversity loss
Biodiversity is critical for maintaining current and future ecosystem service supply and continued loss increases risks of collapses in capacity as stresses such as climate change build.
Horizon scanning
Transforming the food system to deliver beneficial long-term outcomes
Transforming the food system, to achieve all the UN SDG long-term goals, is challenging and will require a comprehensive, longer term approach to outcomes.
Horizon scanning
Meaningful environmental and social governance reporting for net zero
The reporting of environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks could encourage investments that address climate change targets, but a lack of standards raises reliability concerns.
Horizon scanning
Reducing the environmental and biodiversity impacts of agriculture
The effective ways of increasing agricultural productivity while minimising environmental impacts are debated, such as if biodiversity gains can be integrated into farming systems.
Horizon scanning
Differing approaches to reaching Net Zero: pathways and timing
The UK aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. While industry support for the target is growing, some argue the target must be brought forward to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
Horizon scanning
Changing consumption behaviours to meet environmental goals
Achieving environmental targets will involve changes in consumption at every level down to households and individuals, requiring effective measures to change consumer habits.
Horizon scanning
Environmental stewardship of the global commons
The global commons include the atmosphere, ice sheets, a stable climate, biodiversity and even space. What is their current state and how can they be protected?
Horizon scanning
Soil as an essential national asset
Climate change and poor management pose significant threats to soils and the services they provide; appropriate baselines and data need to be identified to assess changes in soil health.
Sustainable cooling
Cooling is a process used across many areas of society. It is important for buildings, industrial processes and the supply of food and medicines. It is also needed for sustainable development. Yet some cooling applications contribute to climate change and the demand for cooling is rising. This POSTnote looks at UK and global demand for cooling. It highlights ways of meeting this demand that are more sustainable than conventional practices. It also outlines technology and policy options to promote these.
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