Horizon scanning
Autonomous transport
Automated vehicles are in trial and development stages across the UK. What are the opportunities and challenges of them being on UK roads?
Horizon scanning
Automated vehicles are in trial and development stages across the UK. What are the opportunities and challenges of them being on UK roads?
Horizon scanning
Meeting legally binding targets for reversing biodiversity loss would require a range of challenges to be addressed but would also provide societal benefits.
Horizon scanning
Technologies in the workplace can increase efficiency and reduce costs. Challenges include a lack of guidelines, blurred work-life boundaries, and re-skilling workers.
Horizon scanning
Healthy diets would improve population-wide health and reduce wider health inequalities but are unaffordable for the poorest 20% of the population.
Horizon scanning
A new collaboration which will see three academics embedded at the heart of Parliament was launched on Monday 21 November.
Horizon scanning
A pilot network of Thematic Research Leads (TRLs) will launch at the end of 2022, with three TRLs appointed to join pilot policy hubs in Parliament from January 2023.
Horizon scanning
Experts have helped us find 30 areas of change to help the UK Parliament prepare for the future.
Horizon scanning
COVID-19 has increased demand for research evidence. In response the research and publication processes have sped up. What does this mean for scrutiny?
Horizon scanning
In its 2017 Industrial Strategy, the UK Government set out a target of investing 2.4% of GDP on R&D by 2027. How is it planning to reach this target? What are the uncertainties emerging from COVID-19 and the withdrawal from the European Union?
Horizon scanning
The impacts of COVID-19 on mental health remain unclear. Initial research suggests disproportional impact on children, young people and those with pre-existing mental health conditions.
Horizon scanning
COVID-19 has brought the drivers behind health inequality into sharp focus. But are there resources available to meet research and policy needs?
Horizon scanning
COVID-19 has renewed attention on unfair and avoidable health differences across the population. But it remains unclear how the pandemic might inform public health policy.
Horizon scanning
Biological organisms may begin to provide new and better solutions to environmental problems, but wider use of bioengineering may raise ethical concerns with public perceptions unclear.
Horizon scanning
Climate change is expected to worsen the frequency, intensity and impacts of some extreme weather events requiring investment in disaster risk reduction and early warning systems.
Horizon scanning
Implementing CBD requirements to protect 30% of the global ocean will need to be informed by what interventions can address pressures on marine ecosystems to be successful.
Total results (page 4 of 8)