Unconventional gas, April 2011
This POSTnote examines the potential for unconventional gas exploitation in the UK, the regulatory regimes covering such activity, and the issues surrounding the extraction and use of the gas.
This POSTnote examines the potential for unconventional gas exploitation in the UK, the regulatory regimes covering such activity, and the issues surrounding the extraction and use of the gas.
This POSTnote explains the reading process and the underlying basis of specific reading difficulties. It also summarises different methods of reading instruction, and examines their use in the context of current and possible future policy directions.
This POSTnote describes autism and autism research, and considers policy approaches. Autism, February 2008. POSTnote 08/302.
Smart metering of electricity and gas, February 2008. POSTnote 08/301.
Public opinion on electricity options, October 2007. POSTnote 07/294.
Information and communications technologies are making the site of work less important, radically changing many working practices.
This report examines the scientific basis of the different types of psychological tests commonly used by employers, their strengths and weaknesses and the issues that arise. POST technical report 59. POST. 1995.
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